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"Oh, Britt." I said to myself as I threw the cover back and got out of bed. Cole was sound asleep, not that I could understand how. Britt was crying so loud I wanted to cover my ears. I picked him up and we sat in the chair by the window. He was hot so I cracked the window a little to let some of the cool air flow through the room. He was such a good baby, he was only fussy when something was wrong.

Cole stirred in his sleep and I watched him for a minute or so because I thought he was going to wake up. Britt had gone back to sleep in my arms and I wanted to put him in his cradle, but I was afraid the movement would wake him. I reached over to the window and closed it before trying to put him down. I was successful and I walked across the icy wooden floor to the bed. I quietly got under the covers and tried to fall asleep again.


John's POV

Our stage was being held up by a gang of outlaws. We gave them all our money and anything valuable we had on us. I found a few dollars in my back pocket and quickly handed it over along with the gold watch I was wearing. "Is that all?" The masked man asked. I nodded and double checked. The stage driver did the same and I hoped they would be on their way soon. "Check the stage." The masked outlaw ordered his bandits who wore the same black cloth around their faces. They almost tore the raggedy thing apart.

"All clear." One announced from behind us. I breathed a sigh of relief when they jumped on their horses.

"Nice doin' business with ya'!" The leader called as they rode away. The driver and I looked at each other and both exhaled.

"That happens every damn time I come through here. I try to take the short cut and I get robbed." He angrily stated. I was just happy to be alive and that they didn't take the horses. I opened the door and climbed inside while the driver climbed to the top. We were on our way again and even though I was tired, I could not fall asleep again.

"Sweetheart, wake up." Cole's soft voice whispered into my ear. I felt him push the hair away from my face and I opened my eyes. He was already dressed and ready to go. I sat up and rubbed my eyes. After my eyes had cleared up and I was more alert, I walked to the vanity and picked up the brush that lay on top of it. I brushed out my hair and braided it all into one hip length tail which I tossed over my shoulder. Britt was awake and had his hand in his mouth. He was smiling and making all different kinds of noises that made me laugh.

Cole would occasionally meet my eyes with a smile and I knew he loved Britt just as much as I did. I changed him and fed him while Cole went across the long hall to make sure Seth and Jack were ready. Maria came bouncing in a few minutes later, bright eyed and bushy tailed. She had always been a morning person, where I was definitely not.

"Good mornin', my two favorite people." She smiled. I returned the smile and finished up with Britt. Once I had him settled, I handed him over to his Aunt Maria so I could get dressed. I put my green dress back on and put on my leather slippers. I desperately needed some new ones. I checked myself in the vanity mirror one more time and decided I looked okay. I was only going to be riding to Mexico. No need to worry about my looks.

"I'll be meetin' Cole and Seth's sister soon. Any advice?" I asked Maria as I sat next to her on the bed. She continued to rock Britt back and forth while she thought out her answer.

"She's older, right?"


"Well, you have to make a good impression then, honey. It's important for her to like you, 'cause an older sister's opinion carries some weight."

She was right. I just didn't know how to do that. "What if she thinks Ima' terrible mother? She has a young daughter herself." Maria looked intrigued. She didn't know the story about their sister. I told her the jist of it and she quietly nodded.

"That changes things."

"How so?" I asked worriedly.

"That means Cole is goin' to wanna listen to anythin' she has to say about you or Britt. He may not act on what she says, but it will be in his mind. That can 'cause some problems. Jus' be careful, Cassie. Do whatever you can to be on her good side. She might be a kind woman, but then she could be spiteful. Jus' play by ear."

I planned on doing my best to make a good first impression on Elizabeth. Cole had been happy about us meeting and since she was his sister I was going to be happy about it too. She had a right to meet her first nephew and to meet the girl her little brother was planning to marry. I decided to make the best of it, however it turned out.

I dragged out goodbye to Maria. I didn't want to go yet, but Cole was ready to leave and I knew we needed to get going if the Marshal was hot on our trail. We'd be safe once we got to Mexico. The sooner we crossed the border, the better.

"I'll see you soon, Cassidy. Take care of that sweet baby!" Maria called as we rode away from the saloon. I waved goodbye to her and fought back the tears that were trying to spill over. I wrapped an arm around Cole and he grabbed my hand and squeezed. It was times like this that I missed with him. Our silent conversations. He was letting me know that it was going to be okay and that comforted me.

I adjusted Britt in the sling cloth and made sure he was comfortable. I used my right arm to support him and my left arm I kept around Cole for balance. Seth and Jack rode beside us as we made our start on the long journey to Mexico. The men talked off and on about various things. Cole tried to include me in the conversations, but I would only nod or shake my head at a question or give a short comment when asked. My mind was in another place for a while.

"Before we know it we gon' have the government down here tellin' us how to live." Jack stated in an irritated tone.

"The ways of the West are changin' and there ain't nothin' we can do about it except enjoy our freedom while we got it." Seth said in a matter of fact tone. He was right. There were more and more people coming across the ocean every day just to see what it's like here. I hoped this country would still be an okay place to live by the time Britt had grown up. I wanted him to make a good life for himself one day. I guess that's the wish of every mother for their child.

"It's all gonna be different by the time Britt is grown." Cole finally said. He took one glance back at Britt and then turned to face ahead. Seth looked at Britt for a few seconds before saying anything.

"Yeah, but he's gonna be one hell of a cowboy." He said with a grin. I smiled at Seth's playful comment and so did Dr. Jack. I hoped he would grow up strong and never let anyone take advantage of the kindness I hoped he would have.

"There might not be anymore cowboys by then." I said as I thought more about it. Seth moved his horse a little closer to ours, then he leaned over to Cole.

"He's just gonna be an outlaw then, like his old man." He grinned and showed the one dimple he had on his left cheek. I peeked around Cole's shoulder and saw that he was grinning too.


Catherine's POV

If I knew Seth and Cole Mason, they were probably running for Mexico. Elizabeth probably still lived there and I knew that's where Cole would want to raise a family. He wouldn't have to worry about the law finding him there. I was more confident about my theory when I'd heard the West Wood Marshal was trailing them. So, I was content to wait out their ride to the border and then I'd be close. I was still pregnant so I couldn't make that ride right now. After my son was to be born, I'd make my way across the border and find them. They would never know I was there.

I was getting off the stage at West Wood about noon. I was going to stay here for another month or so. I could also watch the mail that came through. No doubt Cassidy would send letters to that Mexican girl that worked in the saloon. I could get a lot of information with that. I had settled my belongings in my room at the hotel and was about to find some food when I ran into a familiar face. The face also looked lost. I called out to him anyway.


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