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Catherine's POV

"Someone has stopped here recently." I thought out loud when I saw the remnants of a campfire. John knelt and studied the remains. He nodded in agreement. I knew exactly who it was. I was happy that we were this close behind Cole. I didn't want to rush though, it wasn't time yet.

"Do you think it was Cassidy?" John asked in such a pitiful voice that I actually felt remorseful of this whole thing. Not too much though, because I was still going to follow my plan.

"I don't know, John. We don't need to catch up with them on this side though. Once we cross the border we'll be in the clear to handle them."

John put his hat on his head and tended to the horses. It would be dark soon, so he needed to do all of that before we lost what light we had left. I gathered some twigs to make a fire. I piled them up and walked over to the wagon to get some matches. I noticed something strange about John. He was in front of me rubbing one of the horses. He had his hand on the horses nose and his face was a little flushed. I stood there behind the wagon, pretending to look for the matches while I watched him. It was then that I realized he was crying.


"I don't know what to do!" Cole yelled as he handed a crying Britt over to me. I fought the urge to laugh at him. "I can't make him stop!"

"And the award for Father of the Year goes to... drum roll please... Cole Mason!" Seth yelled from the campfire. The statement sent Jack into loud laughs and I couldn't hold it in. I laughed along with the two while Cole gave us all a look that said 'Go to hell'.

"I'd like to see either of ya'll do any better!" Cole was irritated. I could understand his frustration, but it wasn't anything to be offended over.

"He's just hungry." I said as I walked over to the nearby tree stump. I sat on it and was about to feed Britt when I looked up and saw something odd. "Cole?"


"Come here."

I listened to the click of Cole's spurs as he approached me. I didn't have to point out what I was seeing because he saw it when he got close. "What the hell.."

"What are they doin'?" I asked as I watched three men tie up a fourth man and throw him into a wagon.

"I don't know." Cole answered in a low voice. He narrowed his eyes and watched them. Cole called to Seth and Jack and they all gathered around us. I was awkwardly trying to cover myself as I fed Britt. I draped the sling cloth over me so nothing would be in the open. I looked up and Seth winked at me.

"That looks like...." Jack's voice faded off and the other two seemed to click with recognition.

"Shit!" Seth ran behind us and picked up his saddle. Jack did the same and Cole looked at me with intense eyes.

"That's the Marshal that's been followin' us, Cassie. We gotta go. Now." I jumped up and situated Britt. He wasn't fussy anymore, but I didn't have time to finish feeding him. As soon as Cole had his horse saddled and ready, he pulled me up and we left. In a hurry.

"It's gettin' dark! They won't be able to see us!" Seth shouted over the pounding of hooves. Cole shook his head.

"He's already seen us!"

I held Britt with both arms to keep him from bouncing all over the place and I tightened my legs for balance. It wasn't long before there was a wagon and three men on horses following us. I tried not to panic. I told myself it was going to be okay and we were going to get to Mexico before they could catch us. It was another hour to the border, but at the speed we were going we would be crossing the bridge in no time.

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