Ghost From the Past

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CHAPTER 9 - Ghost From the Past

     "Alright, nobody move. Get 'em on the horse."

     I knew that voice, and it sent a chill down my spine. John rushed over to me and turned me around. I looked up to see the man sitting on the horse in front of me. I knew my face must have turned white as a ghost. That's exactly what I thought I was seeing. John led me to the horse that we were supposed to get on. He jumped on and pulled me up behind him. I was in a sort of daze.

     "Well, well. Miss Cassidy! What are you doin' in a little town like this?" the man asked from in front of me. I didn't look up. I kept my chin propped against John's back as we rode on. He answered for me.

     "We have a little place together outside of town. We been farmin' and doin' a little livestock to have some money." I heard a booming laugh. I opened my eyes to see a brown horse next to me.

     "Where is Cole?" The large man asked. I shut my eyes again, hoping he would disappear. That didn't happen. "I asked you a question!"

     "We haven't seen Cole in almost a year." John quickly answered.

     "So  you and Cassidy are an item now, huh?"


     "Well. I guess my plan won't work then. I'm gonna kill that son of a bitch and I was gonna use you to get 'em." He said with a laugh. "I'll figure somethin' else out then I reckon, but for now ya'll can just come with us. Looks like ya'll are in some pretty deep shit anyway!"

     We followed James and his gang for the entire two hour ride north of Sunset Ridge. I was worried about Britt. I knew he was in good hands, but he was my baby and I missed him. As long as no one knew about him, he was safe.

       I was tired and sore when we stopped to make camp. I was so glad my 'woman parts' as John called it, had time to heal before this long ride. There were more men around us than I remembered. I slid off the horse and waited for John. He tied the horse to one of the branches of the nearest tree and came right back to me. I was scared. I didn't know what James' next move was going to be since he couldn't use me for what he had first intended.

     "Ya'll can sleep right over there. But don't try to run off now, 'cause when I find you... I will kill you." James stated from the other side of his horse. I wanted to just spit in his face. John held my hand and we picked a spot to lay out a blanket. We didn't have a tent or anything we had used when I was at camp with Cole.

     I'm not even with him and he is still gettin' me into trouble.

     "I thought Cole killed him? I'm not tryin' to upset you, Cassie. But I heard Cole shot him dead at Tumble Weed Ranch." John whispered to me. I shrugged my shoulders. I was as confused as he was because that's what I thought happened too.

     "I don't know. I thought he killed him too, but apparently not. What do we do?"

     "Whatever he says, Cassidy. Just go with it until I can get us out of here." John said sternly. I nodded and lay flat on the blanket. The ground was lumpy and cool. It would be getting cold soon. I kept thinking about winter clothes for Britt. I eventually fell asleep.

      "Come get ya some chow." I heard James say from the other side of the horses. They were the only things separating us from the enemy. We could run, but they would shoot us. John helped me stand and I followed him to the camp fire. It was early morning and the sky was pink. It was chilly, but comfortable. The tops of the trees swayed with the light wind and the tall grass was flowing back and forth like waves in water. It was a beautiful sunrise, but I couldn't enjoy it. I recognized some of the men from the day when James rode up to challenge Cole. Others were new and I hadn't seen them before.

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