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CHAPTER 4 - Confession

John tiled up some more ground, and brought some seeds and other things we needed from town. My back was hurting, so I told him what I needed. He brought back everything except for the eggs. "Nobody had any eggs. Landon has some chickens, so I'll go right over there and get you some eggs."

"No, that's okay. You've done enough for today." I smiled at John and he rubbed his face. He looked so tired, but happy. He often had a look of almost jealousy in his eyes, especially when I would talk about the baby. I didn't understand why.

"Alright, well it's gettin' dark. I'm gonna head to Landon's. I guess Ann is still in labor, since he ain't never showed up. I'll see you in the mornin'." He said as he saddled his horse. I stood outside until he finished and left. The sun was setting, turning the sky orange and yellow. It was pretty, I guess that's why it's called Sunset Ridge.

I was getting sleepy, but I had promised Maria that I would write her. I got my pen and paper from the trunk in my bedroom, and went back to the kitchen. I lit the lantern and set it on the table. I started to write, and told her everything that had happened so far.

Dear Maria,

I stopped in Sunset Ridge. It's about a four days ride from West Wood. I met up with John Britt. He used to be friends with Cole, I'm sure you have seen him before. I couldn't buy any land on my own because I'm not married. John helped me, so now he is my pretend husband. We have quite the arrangement. He works for me during the day, and at night he stays with his cousin. Landon, his cousin, is also working for me. His wife went into labor this morning and I haven't heard anything else. I was thinking of naming my baby Mason Smith. That way, at least he'd have some part of his father. If she is a girl, I would like to name her Annabelle. My house is all fixed up, and I have plenty of land for myself. I plan on selling crops. How is everything there? Is everyone doing okay? I've been having nightmares the past few nights. They have all been about Cole. I'm healing, but it's taking a long time. Write as soon as you can. I miss you.



I folded the piece of paper and left it on the table. I went into my room, changed, and crawled into bed. Within minutes I was asleep. Who knew this would all be so exhausting?

I woke up during the night and clutched at my stomach. It hurt so bad, and there was nothing I could do to make it stop. I rolled around and tried different positions, but the pain was only getting worse. It increased by the second, causing me to panic. Finally, I found a position that helped. I got on all fours, stuffed the pillows under my belly, and crouched down. My knees were touching my elbows, and my head was flat on the bed while I kept my abdominal region suspended. The pain eased off, slowly. I could finally breathe in a normal rhythm and drifted back to sleep.

The sun was coming up when I opened my eyes. I had slept a little late, but I was tossing and turning most of the night after the whole episode with the intense pain. I didn't want to get up, and didn't hear John outside or in the house. So, I decided to be lazy for just one day. I pulled my quilt over me, snuggled up to my pillow, and went back to sleep.

I was being shaken by someone, and when I opened my eyes to see who it was, Cole was sitting there next to me. First, I felt the adrenaline rush to my heart, then it all turned into tears when he left. I would wake up for just a few moments, then fall asleep again. Every dream I had that morning was similar to that one. It was like Cole was haunting me, and playing with my emotions. It left me even more exhausted and upset.

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