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"I read the first book about Cassie and cole and I couldnt stop reading it. I'm running late to my appointment because I couldn't stop. I'm looking forward to reading the next one."

A/N: This chapter is dedicated to a fabulous fan who sent me the above message about my stories! :) Thank you sooooo much because as I have already told you, IT MADE MY DAY!! <3

CHAPTER 24 - Lust

It had been two weeks since the fiascoe with John and Catherine. Catherine hadn't been seen again, which surprised me, and John was now living here with Elizabeth. They had fallen hard for each other and I was happy for them both. Autumn took to him like white on rice and he adored Elizabeth, who was now my best friend. I had to admit though, whenever I saw John giving her a playful smirk or seeing them hold hands, I had a spark of jealousy. He used to be that way with me. But I was happy that he finally had someone who could make him happy, like he deserved to be.

"Cassidy! We need to talk about some details!" Abigail called to me as I was walking down the hall. She had dropped a ton of questions on me already and I was ready to get this wedding over with. I made my way into the living room where Abigail was waiting. Cole sat on the small love seat and I took my place next to him. I smiled when I realized he was asleep. He had propped his boots up on the table and had slightly pulled his hat over his eyes. His hands were folded behind his head and his mouth was open just enough so that I could see his teeth. I smiled, trying to keep in a giggle. I noticed his scar and remembered the first day I had seen it. I thought about Maria.

"What else is there?" I asked Abigail when I had situated myself.

"Well, is there anyone you want to be there? Family or friends?" She innocently asked. "Your father needs to be here to give you away at the alter?" Her statement was more of a question. I felt the saddness wash over me and I fought back the tears.

"My parents are dead."

"Oh, honey I'm so sorry. I didn't know." She quickly said when she saw my struggle to keep myself together. I shook my head, trying to shake the tears before they brimmed my eye lids. I felt the moisture on my lashes and quickly wiped them away before speaking.

"It's alright. I do have a friend that I want to be here. I'll write her."

Abigail didn't ask anything else, so I dismissed myself. I went outside to clear my head. I stared at the ground as I walked away from the house. I had heard Autumn mention a creek nearby just past the tree line, so I thought I would go there. The tree line was about 50 yards from the house, so it wasn't far.

I felt relieved when I could hear the water. I had walked for a long time through the woods trying to find the creek. I was beginning to think Autumn had been pretending there was a creek. I half climbed up a steep hill and used the vines hanging from the trees to pull myself to the top. I looked down and there it was. I slowly walked down the other side of the hill and had to brace myself several times on the trees to keep from falling. I stopped on the bank and sat on the ground. I pulled my knees up to my chest and watched the water.

I couldn't hold it in anymore. I started to cry. I missed my parents so much and there was nothing that was ever going to bring them back. They weren't here to see Britt. They weren't here to meet Cole, and I was about to have a wedding that they wouldn't be apart of. I was a mother and a soon to be wife and I didn't have anyone to help me like my parents should be here to do. I swallowed hard as I thought about it and tried to calm myself, but it was no use. This was so long overdue.

I let myself cry until I realized it was getting dark. I wiped my face and stood. I made it over the hill and started walking. After twenty minutes or so, I realized it hadn't taken me this long to get out here. I stopped and looked around. Trees. Trees. Trees. There was nothing to point me in the right direction. Everything looked the same. There was no path. There weren't any markers. I was losing light as the sun set and I didn't have any idea where I was.

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