Dear Maria,

Cole and I are getting married on Sunday. I hope you get my letter in time to make the trip. We will be married in the church outside of Escalera. I have so much to tell you, but it can wait until you are here. It's too much to write. Elizabeth, Cole's sister, is a sweet woman and we are friends. His parents are here also and they are wonderful. Cole looks just like his father, Zachary. His mother's name is Abigail. Britt is growing so fast, I feel like he'll be grown before I know it. If you don't have enough money for the stage then use Mr. Barten. Tell him I will pay him when you get here. You can show him this letter. I can't wait to see you.



I folded the letter and stuck it into my skirt pocket. It was going to be dark soon, and I still hadn't figured out what to do about Seth. I wanted him to be my friend, because he'd always been there for me. I didn't want things to be like this. I knew he was in Autumn's room, so I started down the hall. Cole was still outside, so I had to be quick. I reached the door and lightly knocked. "What?"

I opened the door to see Seth lying on the small bed with Autumn fast asleep next to him. He had a doll in his hand and I couldn't help but smile. He smiled too, but it wasn't the kind of smile I was hoping for. "Seth, I need to talk to you." I whispered, so I wouldn't wake Autumn.


"I can't do this." He looked puzzled, then it hit him. He knew what I was talking about.

"You don't have to." He almost sounded sad.

I walked over to the bed and sat in the small chair next to it. Obviously used for when Elizabeth was trying to put Autumn to sleep by reading to her. I noticed the small pile of books next to it. "I want you to stay my friend. I like havin' you as my friend."

"I didn't say we couldn't be friends, Cassie."

"I know, but I'm about to marry Cole. I love him. He's your own flesh and blood... and-"

"I know, Cassie. I didn't expect you to do it. I'm surprised you've even come to talk to me about it. That just shows what a good person you are." He gave me a sincere smile and I relaxed. "It kinda makes me a little more jealous, but that's okay. I can keep it to myself."

"Thank you." I felt so much better. I didn't want anything to mess up what Cole and I had. I had just gotten it back. "You know, I know someone who would be perfect for you."

Seth grinned like a young boy and shook his head. "There isn't another you, Cassie."

"No, but she's pretty close." I shifted in the small chair and continued, "Maria. She's honestly perfect for you. I'm a little shocked that I haven't seen that until now."

"Who is Maria?" I was surprised he didn't remember her, but before I could explain recognition flashed in his blue eyes and he nodded his head. "Oh, Maria. That Mexican girl you worked at the saloon with."

"Yeah, that's her. She's comin' to the weddin'. You should get to know her."

Seth lightly laughed. "You're jus' tryin' to throw me off your trail."

I laughed and shook my head. I really did have good intentions. "No, I promise I'm not. Just wait and see."

"Okay, but if it goes bad, I'm blaming you."



"Cassidy, calm down. We'll get it fixed!" Maria shouted at me. I was about to burst into tears. The lace tie on the back of my dress had ripped and it was very, very noticeable. Maria left the room and then came back with a needle and some string. I didn't know if I trusted her this close to me with something pointy. "All I gotta do is sew this together and no one will ever know!"

My dress was long, with a full skirt. It was sleeveless, against my wishes, but it was what Cole wanted. My hair was all up in twists and twirls and Abigail had stuck several flowers in it. I didn't wear shoes, I thought it was pointless. I didn't like wearing shoes on any other day, so why wear them today?
     "All done!" She said happily as the tied the string and put the needle away. I breathed in a deep breath and let it out slow. I was starting to sweat. It was warm in the church, but that wasn't why. I was nervous.

"Cassie, I just wanna say that I'm happy for you. Even though Cole Mason is not my favorite person, I trust him to treat you right." Maria said as she held onto my shoulders from behind me. I giggled. "What?"

"Oh, nothin'."


"Cole Mason isn't your favorite person, but Seth Mason is." I said while giving an exaggerated wink. She laughed with me and I thought I might have even saw her blush a little. As if he heard us talking about him, Seth stepped into the back room with us.

"Well, Mrs. Mason, you sure are pretty." I blushed a little after he called me Mrs. Mason. I still couldn't believe I was about to marry Cole. I was bursting at my seams with happiness. My dream was finally coming true. Seth hugged me and it was then I remembered what I was going to tell Maria.

"Seth, can you give me a second with Maria?"

"I'll be outside." Seth answered before turning to walk to the door. Once he was outside, I turned to Maria.

"Since we have this tradition goin' on now, I think there is somethin' I need to tell you." Excitement leaked from my voice and Maria got anxious.

"Tell me! What is it?" Maria asked a little too loud. I put one finger over my mouth and shh'd her. I giggled a little, and when I stopped, I told her what I'd been dying to tell her.

"I think I'm pregnant again."

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