6. If not for Tae...

Start from the beginning

But Jeongwoo had some unexpected reaction. He stood up and wiped off the blood from his lips. There was no guilt on his face. Instead, he laughed hysterically. He got sobered up.

John was also present by then. He was shocked to see Jeongwoo bleeding. Tae and Sri were confused too after hearing him laugh.

"Your house?!", he spoke in between his laughter, "who said it's your house? This is my house."

Taehyung's eyes widened. "W-what do you mean? Are you out of your mind??"

"Silly brother", Jeongwoo scoffed. "I have changed a lot. But look at you, you are that same old, naïve boy, unable to detect any kind of treachery......Just wait a minute", he took out a paper from his pocket, "Here, see this. You have signed the paper saying that you willingly gave the full authority of this house and business to me."

"LIE! I've never done so!" Taehyung's hands slipped down from Sri's arms. She stepped aside, allowing him some space. She felt much better than before. But why did it feel that something worse awaited her?

"Oh, sorry! You cannot see. John, have a look at this and convince your sir that it is his signature." Jeongwoo mocked.

John gasped, "But how did you get that?"

"Well. That was easy." He smirked and snaped his fingers.


"Hello John, where are you going?" Jeongwoo's tone was as friendly as it could have been.

"These are some business documents. They need Sir Kim's signature."

"Oh. By the way, I am headed to his room, you can give these files to me, if you don't mind. I'll get his signature."


"Thank you sir. That would be very helpful of you."

John gave him the file and went away, not knowing what will be the consequences of this little mistake.

After John left, Jeongwoo quickly took out the paper which read that Taehyung willed to give full authority of his house and business to him. He secretly placed it with the business files and went into the elder's room.

He waited impatiently while Taehyung signed the documents, unaware of his cousin's true intensions. He busted in an inaudible laughter once his brother signed the desired page.

Finally, I have achieved my goal. Now it's only a matter of time when this will become legal and I will finally claim your house, wealth, everything and perhaps your wife also. Hyung, you are too silly to detect this until it is too late.

He was smiling by himself when he saw Sri entering the room. For a moment he was afraid that he was caught, but then he remembered that even she was blind.

"Ahem! Excuse me. I need to give these files back to John." He made his way out successfully.


Taehyung could not believe in his ears. It seemed that someone had removed the ground below his feet and he was failing into the void. Everything seemed muffled around him. His ears rang. Breathing suddenly became a difficult task for Taehyung. Unknowingly he took two back steps until he hit Sri's body. She held his arms from behind to support him.

Sri was unable to understand what shocked her more, Jeongwoo trying to rape her or what he did now? He took away the roof above their heads. He took away their living. He took away everything that Taehyung and his father had earned through excessive hard work.

She knew, it was not the time to panic. She needed to support her husband. It was her time to be his shield. She can't let Taehyung suffer.

"Tae... get a hold of yourself."
Sri's tight grip brought Taehyung back to reality from the state of shock. He at once pounced upon Jeongwoo and held his throat. He was determined to drive all the air out of his lungs at that moment.

It took both John and Sri to separate them. Taehyung would have killed him which would make the situation worse.

"Taehyung, stop! He will die!" Sri hugged him tightly preventing him to move while John held the younger one.

Taehyung sweated, his chest heaving in anger. Jeongwoo panted and coughed. His face appeared somewhat purple. Sri knew it was not the perfect time, but she couldn't help but smile at his state. Jeongwoo deserved to be chocked to death but for the law. He would now understand how she had felt when he was chocking her.

"Stop being a maniac! I give you tonight's time to take your stuff and get out of my house. I should not see your faces tomorrow morning, or else I will call the police. I don't think it will be quite respectful for world's top business tycoon, Kim Taehyung, and his precious wife, Kim Sri." Jeongwoo spat the words and went upstairs to his room. 


 Thank God Tae was at time. But now what? What will happen? 

By the way, did you hear  'Your Eyes tell' yet?  Jungkookie is the composer. I loved that song. wow!😍😍


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