My Dear, My Love

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"Have you swum yet, my dear?"
"Yes my love, I'm doing it right now." She shuddered slightly, her brow furrowing over her shut eyes. "Turn off the lights my love, they're blinding."
"The room is dark my dear. There are no lights on."
Her eyes fluttered open for only a second before shutting again. "I didn't know, my love. I feel their shine on my eyelids and I can see their hot glow."
"I assure you my dear, there is no light on."
Her trembly fingers danced across the blankets to find his. "I believe you my love, I only wonder why my vision lies."
"It is simply not something to be trusted, my dear. It's so fickle and odd."
Her thin lips upturned in a slight smile. "Yet it's so hard to live without. What can you see in this seeming darkness, my love?"
"Only you, my dear."
Her laugh was tepid and made her tiny frame rock slowly. "I suppose that light I see is you then, my love."
"As long as I'm not seen as a shadow, my dear."

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