Bird Song

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She didn't smile but I knew she was tired. I was excited despite her disinterest. I asked her if she would like to hear my poem, the one I'd just written for her. She said no, not right now. I was disappointed. It was for her. For the love of my life. I cheered up and decided to read it anyway. I was sure, once she started hearing it she would enjoy it a lot. She usually loved my stories. I started up, and read through the whole thing. She didn't really fight it, of course. Why would she? As I was finishing up, I noticed there was a little canary outside my window, sitting there with wide eyes, listening to my precious poem! I was very upset, those words were for my love only! I very quickly ran to the window and snatched the bird from it's spot and held it up. "Listen here!" I told it crossly, "you can't go repeating a word of what you heard! A little bird like you wasn't meant to hear my poem!"
But the Canary would not stop chirping and whistling and repeating my dear poem. I was very frantic, and afraid all of my neighbors would hear my love song through the little bird. So I quickly found a box, and I stuffed it inside to muffle it's calls. But he only grew louder and more earnest. I really was quite panicked. I didn't know what to do. I just knew I need the bird to be quiet! It seemed I had no choice. It's chirps were sure to have reached any unclogged ear. I pulled it out of the box and before it could wriggle out of my hand I snapped its tiny neck. Finally it was quiet. I sighed in relief. Those wild bird songs really were shrill! I sat down in a huff, tired from all the excitement. What a day.

I was very confused with all the yelling as the policeman shoved me into the ground. They said such horrible things. Said I'd done awful crimes. But who would be upset about a love song and one missing canary?

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