Curiosities of the Fallout

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The florecent lights had flickered off a while ago. I still stayed there, mainly because it had the best view in the city. Of course, a lifetime supply of drugs and medical supplies were a plus. The hospital's generators lasted longer than almost anywhere else, which kept the food good for a lot longer. It was well stocked. Few people came, and none stayed. Probably because it was the source of the virus. Admittedly, i was scared coming in for the first time. The air felt contaminated and toxic. But that was as good as a superstition now. I knew it was no more dangerous than anywhere in this crumbling world. I ran my fingers through my rough cut, short hair. I found some good scissors, but it still was hard to get a clean cut on yourself. The halls were bright white, the large windows still intact this high up. I could see so far. I placed my palms to the glass, staring at how of the city much my hands could cover. I studied my fingers instead. I was more used to the view than my own hands now. My fingers were jet black, like they were coated in a layer of thick soot. I had tried to wash it off, but I knew now it was my flesh. I'd tried once to cut it off. Just a chunk out of my finger. But the muscle under the skin was just as black. My blood, at least still flowed red, even from my fingers.
I clenched my fist and let my hand drop from the window.

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