Ten Rings

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A ring on every finger was never about status, or a show of wealth for him. He just liked how it looked, and the clink they would make as they hit each other. He looked good with them, he wasn't wrong about that. His fingers were long and slender, but not unattractive, for they didn't have bony knuckles or jagged nails. In fact his nails were very clean and long, and often painted white. His rings were varied. Only one had a stone, and it was quite small. The rest were carved bands with intricate designs of knots and vines and swirling shapes. They were all unique, just like him.

The king's ward was much liked. He was kind to all, no matter status or heritage or country, and he held his servants with as much respect as his king. His king loved him as his own, and the court acted as if he were blood royalty. He had only two flaws to the people. He would not go to war, and he would not marry.
"Death and love are very much the same." He would say, "I shall do neither for my kingdom's gain, no matter how much I care for it. No man can change this in me. Split my skull before you send me to kill, and pierce my chest before you force me to love." 

His ways sent whispers forever rippling. Talks of how he was not truly a man, how he could become a disgrace to the throne, were normal gossip in the high councils. Even still, no one could help but like him, despite his unorthodoxy. 

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