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Our little mismatched group was not the first choice for such an expedition. There wasn't supposed to even BE a group for this. It simply wasn't supposed to happen. We knew this. But we didn't fear it. Someone had to take the first step. Figuratively, and literally. I stayed the front, leading the rest, and standing tall, hoping to inspire bravery in whoever might faulter in their resolve. The first line crossed was white. Large and obvious, so there was no missing it. The second line was yellow, and once it was behind us, I could see shapes moving ahead, an agitated ungulating hoard. A few broke off, maybe three tall creatures,  heading straight for the opening in which we traveled. They didn't run, they didn't cry out, but their steps were fast and wide, a kind of quiet fury that was pounded into the ground with their feet. The second white line was less wide, but no less obvious. We begun to slow our pace, and I saw the little one glace back at the line, like she regretted passing over it. As we reached the final line, I stopped. My toes just touched it's edge, a taunt I wasn't sure I could hold. I could see the creatures now. Seven foot, skin like leather, heavy arms and legs that looked like a pro-wrestlers, black claws, and tusks protruding from their cheeks.  Their faces were fierce and scarred, not at all human. Their eye were the only beautiful thing; they glittered like hammered gold and stared with a honor-bound hunger for war. They looked like God had designed them for only two things: to be feared, and to kill.
I set my jaw when they stopped at their line, spaced about ten feet from ours. The Head turned his eyes directly to mine. He didn't have to speak to convey his message. We were not welcome. Cross the last line, and die.
I smirked. That's all we wanted. It was time for the truth of our invader friends to be uncovered. I glanced back at my brave followers, and nodded once. Split from both sides, fast little human bodies shot across the line and into the alien's territory.

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