CHAPTER 06 | Partners

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CHAPTER 06 | Partners

Hinata's POV

The glass doors slide open, peering in quietness fills the library, my feet hit the plush gray carpet as I make my way towards a desk in the far right corner. A glass window sits beside it overlooking the field, setting my backpack down softly, I pull open my purple notebook.

I gently sit down, scanning the library I await for a certain someone. Students fill the room reading, while others type away softly on the computers.

My eyes fall on the librarian, a scowl etched onto her face, she types away on her computer, her black rimmed glasses perched onto the etch of her nose. Her dark blue hair is what gathers everyone's attention right away. She looks up her sharp hazel eyes pierce into mine, I gently smile a blush filling my cheeks I hastily look away.

Releasing a sigh I look back up my heart dropping at the voice that pierces the room. I inwardly cringe, trying my hardest to become invisible.

"Hey Hinata, I tried to come sooner but I had to stop by the office real quick!" Naruto's voice fills the room, making every eye look up at him. He continues to walk towards me oblivious to the anger coming from the librarian.

The librarian stands up sneaking behind Naruto, she smacks him hard with the book across his blond locks. He flinched turning around about to retort.

"Geez woman—"

The librarian cuts him off, anger steaming from both ears.

"This is a library boy, you
Best remain quiet or else I'll submit you to detention for a week!" The librarian scowls, turning around with a huff she walks back towards her desk, while rubbing her very large baby bump.

Naruto rubs the back of his head, handing me a cheeky grin. He waves off the conversation, walking towards me he sets his backpack down beside mine.

I give him a small smile, shrugging to the event. He only smile, "Sorry about that."

I shrug, "We should get to work." I mumble, a blush creeping up my neck.

He grins handing me a thumbs up, opening his notebook, "Have you decided with two country you want?"

I bit my lip, nervousness clouding me whole, "C-Can we do the Battle of Marne?"

"Sure." He grins, hitting the information down.

Gulping I finally find the courage to ask him a question, "N-Naruto w-would you like to do a presentation instead, I find them m-much easier?"

"Yeah, that's fine, I don't really feel like doing much work anyways, so it's a win-win!"

I gently smile back, moving a stray lock away from my face. I look over at Naruto as he hits down information my eyes scan over him, his blond locks looking messily as ever, a warm sensation fills me while wishing for just a moment that I could call him mine.

I sigh, shaking my head I go back to work.

And that's how the rest of the afternoon goes by, with Naruto and me sharing information about the war, we continue to discuss the events that occurred and how exactly we would present in class.

I jot down the information on my calendar on the day we'd present, both agreeing we'd go last.

Continuing to read books on the war, deciding that today we'd only research information and start on the essay. Seeing as we'd both wanted to get that out of the way first.

I smile, typing in our names I put in the date and class, styling it in MLA format. I type away as Naruto gives me the information, I nod at everything inputting my own every now and then.

Time ticks by as students slowly start to leave the library, with a sigh I close my MacBook putting it inside my backpack. Naruto heads out to check out the books from the library to use them, I quietly answer a few of my parents texts as I await for him to return.

Setting the books down, they quickly snap me out of my trance I look up for a second caught off guard by his eyes. He smile oblivious to my reaction, he plops down on his seat.

With a grumble he adds on, "That woman will be the end of me, and it doesn't help that she pregnant."

I chuckle in amusement, looking up he smiles my way, "Guess it's my fault for shouting in the library." He adds on, running the back of his head sheepishly.

I roll my eyes teasingly his way, a grin forming at the etch of my lips, "Oh, Naruto."

He only grins, his blue eyes piercing into my own, he gets up sticking out a hand to me. I bit my lip in hesitation, gently putting my hand on top of his my fingers curl against his hand.

He gently lift me up from my seat, pulling me towards the doors, my heart beats radically against my heart at the feel of his skin against mine.

Handing me a smile, he pulls me out of the library, the wind immediately gushing against you cooling down my red cheeks.

We stop facing one another, I feel the breath get knocked out of me, as I stare into his eyes. He smiles, "Thank you, for helping with the project, I best get going my parents are waiting for me."

I smile, looking into his eyes mesmerizing every feature of Naruto Uzumaki.

Nodding his way, my fingers tighten against the strap of my backpack, "Yeah, they're probably getting worried."

Running the back of his head, I feel my whole world stops as he takes a step forward. Catching me off guard he leans down, his minty breath fanning against my ear gently, making goosebumps fly across my skin eagerly.

His soft lips meet my temple, my face immediately falls into flames, fire spreads across my skin, as sparks shoot from his lips jolting throughout my body.

He smiles, retreating back he shoots me a quick goodbye as he walks away, quickly dialing a number.

I squeak, the fire spreading throughout my body not taming anytime soon. I stay planted onto the cement, my mouth open in shock.




Question: Zodiac Sign?

Mine: Leo


- Married to a Malfoy


Thank you,


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