CHAPTER 07 | P.E should be Banned

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CHAPTER 07 | P.E should be Banned

Hinata's POV

"He did what!"

Flinching from the scream I hastily turned away, my dark blue hair swaying back and forth hitting against my deep crimson cheeks.

My feet hit against the gym floor, running beside Ino and Sakura, I kept my gaze forward ignoring the smirks coming from them both.

I only shrugged, "I-It's not like he kissed me." I muttered, the fires spreading throughout my body.

Sakura's eyes practically bulged out of her eyes, "Hinata! He might as well have suggested it, doesn't he realize how much you like him."

"I-I don't think so." I replied, my gaze dropping to the floor beneath me.

Ino nudged my shoulder, giving me a light smile, "Look, try not to worry to much about it, let's just see where things go from here." She suggested.

I nodded back, looking forward I caught Naruto running ahead of me beside the guys, his laughter hit against the walls, his blue eyes filled with amusement. Not a sign from what happened a day ago filled his gaze.

Turning away I gave the girls a forced smile, knowing they caught me looking. "I'll be okay."

Nodding my way we continued to run our one mile, Gai's yells hit against the wall as he encourages us to go faster, his whistle bouncing off the walls.

"Naruto, run like if you're going to go eat ramen! Sasuke is that the way you'll run when your fangirls head towards you!" He yells, "Step it up, we don't have much time, people!"

I chuckle, rolling my eyes in amusement I watch the back of Naruto wars turn a deep crimson red in embarrassment. Sasuke grimaces, muttering loser under his breath, Shikamaru soon bursts into laughter as he nudges Gaara against the ribs.

Gai's whistle hits against our ears, flinching I quickly cover them up as the whistle goes on.

"Let's go people!"

Sighing in relief the whistles goes off, I turn jogging towards Gai, I grasp my knees soreness traveling up my body, I bend down sweat gathering at my forehead.

Sakura and Ino sigh in relief, as everyone around me seems to lose there energy.

Gai glares our way, blowing his whistle, "Go get a quick drink of water and come back." Blowing his whistle again, he starts marking things off on his clipboard.

Wiping my sweat off with my grey gym shirt, I head towards my locker. Grasping my water bottle I sit down, my muscles tensed, I gulp down my water bottle wiping the drops away that fell down my chin.

Ino sits beside me, resting her head against the blue lockers, she chugs down her water bottle, giving me a tight smile.

Sakura leans against her locker, her body practically giving up on her, quickly shooting me a thumbs up, she heads towards the restroom.

˚ ˚ ˚ ˚ ˚

The students surround Gai the moment I step out of the locker room. Tucking my hair behind my ear, I step closer standing beside the students I finally see what there all staring at.

There standing in the middle of the circle are Gai and Kakashi. Murmurs fill the room, staring at Kakashi's bored expression as Gai wraps his hands around his shirt collar, trying his hardest to look intimidating.

Kakashi only sighs, swatting Gai's hands away he clears his throat, turning towards us. He fixes his collar once again, Gai fumes beside him, his expression remaining stoic.

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