Chapter 13

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Chris POV

As I'm sitting here with the baby my parents come in the house.

"Um who baby is this"

"I think it's mine. He was sitting on the porch when I got home"

"What do you mean you think it's your"

"Well there was a note attached and when I read it it said he was mine and his name was Carson"

"What do you mean? Your not old enough to have a kid yet. What were you thinking? I could see this from CJ but not you. Your so much smarter than this. How could you let us down like this? You were supposed to go to Florida now how are you gonna do that?"

"Really dad that's all your worried about is Florida. Have you ever thought that maybe I didn't want to go to Florida or maybe that I wanted to go somewhere else. Maybe I wanted to have my own path and not one that's already planned out for me. I'm not you dad. I'm not San or Big Chris I'm just me. I don't want to follow in y'all footsteps. I want my own" I stormed out after that. I grabbed Carson and drove without a place in mind. That's when I realized where I was goin. I was headed to Tay house I had been a couple of times to pick CJ up from visiting Kay but this time I needed to talk to Tay. As I pulled up I saw Tay outside talking to Tiff. I parked and got out. I went to the back to get Carson out the back. As I was getting closer Tay and Tiff stopped talking and looked at me confused.

"Um cuz who baby is that"

"I think he's mine. When I got home he was sitting on my porch and it was a note attached to his car seat that said I was the dad." Tay was just looking at me. I could tell that this was making her mad.

"What do you mean. Do you not know who you had sex with."

"It's not like that. He's 6 months old which mean he was conceived over a year ago. Which means this was before sophomore year and after Freshman year. You know how hard of a time that was for me."

"Yes Chris I know how hard that time was for you but that was a hard time for the family. Grandpa was the backbone of the family. When he died basically a piece of all us died with him. I know how close y'all where but that's not a reason to get somebody pregnant"

"I didn't plan on this happening Tiff and you know me and grandpa was closer than everybody else. He was the only one to encourage me to follow my dreams. You weren't there to see him die in front of your eyes. I sat by that hospital bed day and night until he took his final breathe so yea I know it was hard on everybody but it was harder for me."

"Chris I don't care. You just can't get a girl pregnant. Do you know who the mom is"

"No I don't. There was no name or anything just that his name is Carson and his birthday."

"Well when is his bday."

"March 16th but that don't help none you know how wild I was after grandpa died. I can't even remember when and where I lost my virginity or who took it. That summer I was at so many parties and getting drunk. I was even smoking that summer. I can't remember that summer at all. Especially after I got in that fight"

"Your lucky your alive right now. That man could've killed you. Do you even remember why he shot you."

"Actually yea now that I think about it I do. I went out to a party and went with some girl to her house and her dad found us naked in her bed. He was pissed so he grabbed his gun and shot at me. He hit me in my leg and shoulder and told me he better not ever see me again."

"Do you remember the girls name"

"No it was my first time meeting her and I was high and drunk. I don't think she went to our school. I just know her name started with an A. I think it was Alexis or Alex something. I don't know."

"What did the note say." I showed her the note and she read over it. "What if that was the girl you got pregnant. She said it wasn't safe for you or the baby. What if her dad threatened to hurt the baby or her."

"I don't know it's a possibility but I don't care. I'm gonna get a DNA test to make sure he's mine." Throughout this whole convo she didn't say nun. She just sat there looking well I don't know what was goin through her head. Her face was unreadable.

"Hey Tay can we talk for a minute"

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"Hey Tay can we talk for a minute"

"Um I don't think that's a good idea. I'm most definitely not in the mood to talk to you especially after what I'm witnessing right now"

"Please Tay I gotta explain myself to you"

"Explain What!!! How you got a baby by a girl you don't know. Or how you lied to me? I don't want nun to do with you. Your a liar and conniving. I let you take my virginity just to find out you don't even remember losing yours or who you've slept with. You have a baby and you think we can still be cool. No. I wanted to be with you for the rest of my life. I wanted to have your first child. But I can see now that I was ahead of myself that I should've kept to myself. I was planning a future with you but I see now that will never happen." By now there were tears coming down her face I went to wipe them off but she brushed my hand away and went in the house. I so badly wanted to go after her and tell her I'm sorry and that I didn't know but I knew I was wrong. Tiff told me to go home and figure everything out. I just hung my head low and walked to my car.

I ended up driving to Bird house to get his opinion. Nobody knew this but Bird has a little girl. She's 6 months and live with her mom. I met them a while ago. Bird loves his little girl so I need his help. I knocked on his door and he came to the door with his little girl Ava. I dapped him up and gave Ava a lil high five. He looked down at my hand and saw the car seat in my hand. He had a confused look on his face. That's when I told him I need his advice.

"Wassup bro. Who baby that is"

"He's mine. Ima go get a DNA test but I'm pretty positive he's mine. He looks just like me when I was a baby."

"Bro when did this happen. How old is he? I thought every time you had sex you used protection"

"I think it happened around the end of Freshman year because he's 6 months now. So him and Ava is around the same age."

"Bro you know ima always be here for you. And since you've meet Ashley I'm pretty positive she won't mind helping you get lil man in the same daycare as Ava. Whose his mom."

"To be honest I don't know. He was just sitting on my porch when I got back from the airport."

"Damn bro just know I'm here for you when ever you need anything."

"My dad is pissed I might have to stay here tonight. Then go to the hospital tomorrow instead of school. Let coach know what's goin on for me."

"Bro I got you. Who else know except yo parents"

"Tay and Tiff. Tay don't want nothing else to do with me. Which really sucks bcuz I think I'm falling for her."

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