Chapter 10

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Chris POV

Last night felt like a dream. The way Tays lips felt on mine and the way her body just gave into me made me want to take her right there. But then she told me that she's a virgin. I'm not gonna lie that shocked the hell out of me. How can someone so beautiful be so innocent. But I was raised right so I knew never to push a female into something their not ready for so I told her we'll take it slow and at her pace.

Earlier this morning she left leaving me feeling cold and lonely. A few minutes later Bird came in and looked all embarrassed. I asked what happened and he said Tay walked in on them. I knew it was more to the story but I just wanted to drop it and go get some food and get ready for the game. We went to IHOP and ate and made our way back to head to the school. Once we got in the locker room you could tell they were trying to intimidate us. They had pictures of them with red spears and a giant devil in our locker room. We just laughed and got ready. We went out to stretch and everything to get loose for later. I was starting to feel nerves but not because of the game but because this is the first time Tay gets to watch me play.

We go back to locker room and coach gives us a pep talk to encourage us. Then it's the moment we all been waiting for game time. We head toward the tunnel and stand behind the sign the cheerleaders made me and Bird up front this time. We break through the sign and head towards our sideline the band is playing loudly and it gives us a boost of confidence to grace the band and some parents here. I look to the stand and see my parents and my lil sis. At that moment I knew I was gone have a good game. I haven't seen my lil sis in almost 2 months so I was determined to put a show on for her.

After the other team ran out we did the coin toss and we won it so we decided to defend first. That's always been the rule if we win we choose to kickoff.

We lined up for kickoff. My blood was pumping fast. I was ready to have my first tackle. As soon as our kicker kicked it off I sped off down the field as soon as their player caught it I was there to tackle him. I guess he wasn't ready for the hit because he ended up fumbling. CJ quickly fell on it and just that fast we got the ball. Offense quickly ran on the field and coach called a counter play. I was kinda shocked that he called that because our first play is always four verts but once we lined up I understood why he called it. The defense had scouted us and realized we always run four verts so they lined up in a zone. Bad mistake. As soon as I said hike Tre, our running back, faked like he was goin right but quickly redirected himself to the left and zoomed up the gap our o-line had made and once he's made it into the open field there's no catching him. He quickly dashed into the end zone after a 20 yard rush. Our kicker easily made the extra point and now we were up 7-0. As we lined up for kickoff I seen their coach had calked the returner to him.  I guess he told him to take a fair catch or let the ball go into the end zone. As our kicker Jason kicked off I could tell he put his all into it and that it was goin to the end zone so I did a jog down the field but what I wasn't expecting was one of their guys hitting me with a cheap shot. The way he hit me made me land awkwardly on my ankle. I couldn't believe this. 2 minutes into the first quarter and I get hurt. The trainers quickly came and helped me off the field and pulled up our tent to check me out. They told me that it was sprained so they taped it up and made me do some exercises. While I was on the sideline the defense had miscommunicated on a play which led to the other team scoring so now it was tied 7-7. Coach came over to check if I was good to go. The trainers recommended that I stay out one more drive to get a feel for it so coach agreed. But told me to work on my back peddling and quick shifts to get ready for defense which I did. While I was getting ready our backup quarterback threw an interception. He was trying to get it to Bird but he under threw him and their safety came an intercepted it.

So now I'm jogging back to the field for defense with 5 minutes left in the first quarter. We decided to go man coverage, since man to man is the easiest way to get a pick. We lined up like we were in zone but our defense had a unspoken language on who picks up who. So when the offense ran their first play they tried to do an option. That did not work at all our d-line stopped that before it even started. D-Bo was blitzing because he had one of the running backs and as soon as they said hike D-Bo shedded his blocker and sacked the quarterback he hit him so hard the quarterback dropped the ball. As the other running back went to help I realized what was going on and made a beeline for him since he was closer to the ball he would get there first but not without a hit from me. As he scooped the ball up and took one step to the his right I was coming from his left and stripped the ball from him. I scooped up his fumble and dashed the 35 yards to the end zone and just like that we were back up 14-7. As I was jogging to my sideline I passed the cheerleaders and to my surprise Tay blew me a kiss. Thank god I had my helmet on cuz I was blushing mad hard. Coach decided that I wouldn't play the offensive drive since we were finna go to the second quarter he wanted me to catch my breath so I sat out and watched as our backup Henry missed so many open players. It was so ridiculous so coach decided to run the ball lucky for us Tre was unstoppable. He was a junior who held offers from schools like Bama, Auburn, Clemson, LSU, Georgia, and etc. he hadn't made any decisions yet but we knew he was going to Georgia. He wanted to stay close to home to help his mom with his younger sisters. As soon as he touched the ball it was like the flash. He was in the end zone and we were now up 21-7 after our kicker made the field goal. It was now 3 minutes into the 2nd quarter and we were on defense. The quarterback stepped back in the pocket getting ready to throw it to my man. I had sagged off a little to make it seem like he was open but as soon as the ball was thrown I darted towards it and intercepted it. I got to the 50 yard line before being tackled by a running back. He stood over me and said you my bitch now. I just laughed and pointed to the scoreboard. That pissed him off because the next drive he convinced his coach to let him play defense rookie mistake. I decided to call an audible and do a jet sweep. It worked perfectly. The whole defense thought I was gonna run but I ended up throwing it to Bird who was wide open in the end zone. 28-7. I just went and bro hugged my bro and stayed out for defense. With 6 minutes left in the quarter Bird got an interception and ran it back for a touchdown. 35-7. This was funny they were supposed to be better than us yet they sucked ass. By the time it was halftime we had scored once more on a pass from me to CJ now the score was 42-7.

Coach decided at halftime that he was gonna switch our positions around to try us at new positions. I immediately said I wanted to play WR and Bird wanted to play HB. Tre played WR and CJ switched to QB. CJ is a good QB just not as good as me. I had a better arm and better field vision. Bird had played halfback all through middle school but once we got to high school he had a huge growth sprut and quickly got switched to WR to become a better target for me. Whereas Tre was 5'10 with mad hops. So he was good at WR.  He was also on the basketball team and played point guard. We also switched our defensive positions. Me and Bird went to LB CJ went to S and Hop went to CB. 

As we made our way back to the field I went to the fence and talked to my parents and my lil sis. She had grown a lot since I last saw her. She had to be about 5'8 she was getting a lil muscle, and her dreads were getting longer. She dapped me up and told me I was doing a good job but she can do better. I just laughed and shook my head. She told me that she was working on skipping the 6th grade so that she could play with me next year. I was like keep working and you might just be able to. I'm not gonna lie lil Chris is good at sports I just don't think she's mentally ready to take on the responsibility of taking on my spot. She will most definitely have a small growth spurt during the summer. I was hoping that she would be taller than me. But it don't seem like she will be. When I was her age I was 5'10. Yes I've only grown a foot but I'll most likely grow some more. Our conversation quickly came to an end when coach called me back over.

We all went to our new positions and I was quite honestly shocked at how well we were playing at new positions. CJ field vision had gotten a lil better and Tre was catching anything that came his way and of course I was catching anything in the vicinity. The game quickly came to an end with us winning 84-7. I finished he game with 3 touchdown passes, 2 touchdown catches, a fumble recovery for a touchdown, and 3 interceptions. After we shook hands and prayed we made our way to the locker room and coach presented the game ball. Of course I won. After we changed we left the locker room but I was quickly brought into a hug and kiss by Tay. I was shocked but that didn't stop me from kissing back. I really liked Tay and I want to make her my girlfriend. But I don't know how or when to ask her.

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