Chapter 11

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The game had just ended and we won. I was so happy. I was outside of the locker room waiting on Chris. When she came out all I could do was hug and kiss her. I know we not officially together but she's gonna be mine by the end of the football season and that's a promise.
"Good game babe"

"Oh I'm babe now and thank you babygirl"

"Yes u are. And aww I'm yo babygirl"

"Yup, you my babygirl my princess and my baby"

"How could I be all that and we not together" I really wanted to hear her answer to that

"Because when it's all said and done you gone be more than that you gonna be my wife".

I was speechless. I've never had anybody say I'm gonna be their wife. I was so happy at that moment. She then lead me to the family I saw earlier. She gave the lady a hug and dapped up the man and girl while saying hey mom and dad. I stood there shell shocked. She was introducing me to her mom and dad but at that moment Kay and CJ came up. I'm not even gonna lie I had forgot that Kay was even on this trip with us. I had became so intrigued with Chris that I forgot about my own lil sis. I definitely gotta make it up to her.

As I was looking at the lil girl all I could see was a smaller Chris. They looked identical. Like CJ and Chris share facial features but this lil girl had Chris whole face. Chris soon introduced me and Kay. Her mom was so beautiful she looked like principal Davis. That's when I remembered my first day. Principal Davis was her lil sister. She smiled and introduced herself she was so nice. And her dad just invited us into a hug and said welcome to the family.

Confused was an understatement

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Confused was an understatement. Welcome to the family is a bold statement. Family can he even say that. Me and Chris aint even together so how can I be apart of the family, but what came next explained it all. CJ gave Kay a kiss and I was honestly sad. How could she get a boyfriend but not tell me. We looked at them like when the fuck this happened. We then looked at each other like what we gonna do now. After last night I knew I did not want to end this. The way Chris made me feel was unreal. The kisses, the touches, the look in her eyes it was a feeling that I needed, that I craved. Thats when I truly realized I need her. It honestly scarred me that after one night that my mind and body needed her. I never thought I would say this but I think I found my forever love.

I knew that falling for Chris was a bad idea. Tiff had told me that she isnt into relationships, that she just wanted sex and to get away but I knew from the look from her eyes last night that she just wanted love and I was gonna be the one to give it to her. That night instead of going back to the hotel me and Kay joined the family in going to get dinner from a restaurant nearby. All I could focus on was Chris but I could tell she was happily talking to her sister. I wasnt mad or nothing cause i knew they rarely see each other it was just nice being around her.

While at dinner Mr. Williams started a convo.

"So where are yall from?"

"We are actually from Alabama. We moved to Georgia to expand our restaurant. We have a very successful restaurant  in Alabama so my mom decided to test the waters and expand to another state."

"Thats good. Do yall have any siblings. Or is it just yall two."

This time Kay answered "we do actually. We have an older brother who plays football for Auburn."

"Really now. Our eldest boys play for Florida and we're pretty sure Chris and CJ will go there too considering its a family school since thats were me and their mom met." When he said that I looked at Chris and I could see the disappointment in her eyes. I could tell that Florida was not in her dreams and that she wanted to make her own decisions.

"Thats so cool. Our brother is considering transferring there next year" said Kay. I just kept my eyes on Chris who looked super sad. I decided that I would ask her to hang out later to get whatever on her chest off.

"Oh really. We're definitely gonna have to go to some games this year and next since Chris and CJ are being recruited by both."

"That would be awesome" Kay said. I just nodded and ate my food. I was really in a cranky mood. I honestly just wanted to cuddle up to Chris and sleep.

Mr. Wlliams paid for dinner and drove us back to the hotel. It was around 9 whe we got back and I could tell that Chris was still in a mood so I pulled her to the side and asked if she wanted to hang later at first she said no but then she agreed. She said she'll text me later when to come I just said ok and gave her a kiss. That seemed to put a small smile on her face and that made me happy cause that smile meant the world to me. As I made my way to my room I seen Kay so I decided that I would go talk to her real quick to catch up. I felt like I did not know my own sister anymore and that we were drifting apart.

"Hey lil sis how you been."

"Oh now you wanna know how I been.It seems like since we got to this new shool it seems like you don't even care about me anymore. We havent sat down and talked with each other in almost two weeks and you know thats not us but all of a sudden you care now. Yea thats bullshit and you know it. You just want to be in my business to say he's not right for me but you know Chris aint right for you either. Yea I notice the way you look at him and the way he looks at you. Im happy with CJ and I would greatly appreciate if you butt out my relationship." I was shocked Kayla has never talked to me like that and it made me realized I was a horrible sister as she was walking off I called out for her.

"Kayla wait. Im really sorry for the way I have beeen acting. I kow that I have not been there but I will be from now on. And I was not going to say nun bad about youand CJ I was gonna ask when this happened. Im truly really happy for yall. I have not seen you smile like this in a while and if he really makes you happy I'm all for it. You deserve happiness. Just be careful and stay true to yourself. I love you so much lil sis."

"Aww I love you too big sis. What you doing tonight."

"Im actually gonna hang with Chris tonight. She seeemed a lil down at the restaurant."

"Oh ok just let me know when your free to hang since we leave to head home tomorrow morning."

"I will. See you later. " I proceeded to head to my room to take a shower but what I walked in to was a sight I wish to erase from my eyes. Bird and Tiff was in the 69 position. When I tell you I shut the door so quick and turned around. Thats when I realized I completely missed the DND sign on the door. I then went across the hall to Bird and Chris room to see if I could chill there. It took a couple minutes for her to open the door but when she did I could tell why, she just got out the shower. The way the water fell from her body I instantly got wet.

"Oh I did not realize you was in the shower I'll just go chill in the lobby."

"Um why would you chill in the lobby when you got a room."

"Well Bird and Tiff are in there preoccupied" she looked at me funny "They are giving each other head. Happy now" she busted out laughing.

"Well in that case come on in. Let me go put a bra and some shorts on" I knew in that moment that there was not going to be a lot of talking tonight.

Sorry for the delay on the chapter. I have honestly been swamped in work and school. Hope y'all enjoy

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