Chapter 3

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When 1 came in I was hella surprised because this dude looked just like that fine ass stud with the bad attitude. The only difference is that he was a little shorter while the stud looked super tall and he had waves and their outfits. He was wearing a blue and black Nike shirt with some black cargo shorts and the blue foams with some black and blue Nike socks and a blue and black hat. He was looking fine as hell.

" Hi Mrs. Davis. You called for me"

"Ah yes, Christian I would like for you to meet Tayla and Kayla. They will be joining us this year and would like to get a tour on where their classes will be. Would you mind showing Kayla around"

"No ma'am. Ill be happy to show her around. But who will show Tayla around" Just then somebody knocked on the door.

"Come in" Mrs. Davis said.

"Wassup, Mrs. Davis you called for me" That annoying ass stud said as she walked in.

"Yes I did Chris. I would like for you to meet Tayla and Kayla. As I was telling your brother they will be joining us this year and would like to get a tour on where their classes will be"

"Um auntie I would love to help them but I don't talk to people who steal other people parking spots" At that I just had to say some

"You know you one petty motherfucker"

"That I am. And I like being Petty by the way your car got towed for parking in a no parking zone." And with that she walked off.

"Hold up did she just say she got my car towed. O hell nawl I'm about to go whoop her ass" That's when her brother wants to pipe up.

"Um I wouldn't do that if I was you. She practically rules the school with our family bringing in mostly all the state championship trophies, everybody worships the ground we walk on. If you mess with her you wont be able to do anything at this school. Even the teachers will be mean to you"

"What type of shit is this. First she calls me a hoe, then she wont help me get to know the school, then she tows my car, and now you telling me if I mess with her Ill be the black sheep. Aint this some shit"

"Yup. Even I cant mess with her and I'm her brother. She has played varsity football, basketball, and baseball since 7th grade. She has brought in 4 state championships in each sport, she keeps a perfect 4.5 GPA because she takes all AP classes and pass with an A, and she has a job at Footlocker. So mostly every college in America wants her to play for them. But she has never been able to keep a relationship because of it. But I cant say nun cause I'm practically the same way except she can pick on me. She's even more popular then our older brothers. We're good at sports but she is a beast. She's taller than all of us to. She's 6'10, San is 6'8, Big Chris is 6'9 and I'm also 6'8"

"Wow yall are really some special."

"Yup it runs in the family. My dad could've went pro in any sport but messed up his knee from baseball, so instead he became a brain surgeon. And my mom well she was the cheerleader that was able to make him love"

"Wow how sweet. But um Mrs. Davis whose gonna show me around"

"Don't worry sweetie I got that handled" Just then this fine ass girl walked in.

"Hello Mrs. Davis. How may I assist you today"

"Ah yes Tiffany these are our new students Kayla and Tayla. I would like if you could show Tayla around"

"Why of course Mrs. Davis. I would love to help."

"O and Tiffany don't try anything with her on the first day of school"

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