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A/N: Read this chapter with utmost care till the end, made it extra long; sorry/you're welcome?. warning: death of a character and a brief sex scene, if you see this sign*** skip till you see it again. The sex scene wouldn't be too detailed cause I noticed I have younger readers, there wouldn't be any sign for the demise of a character, so be ready.


     I WATCH WITH eyes wide open as Mrs Sarah battled her lashes from over her window, puckering her lips and well, whining her hips, careful not to dislocate any fragile bone.

I roll my eyes, but can't help the big smile on my face. "Thanks Mrs Sarah for everything and yes I'll inform you about the date when I get back."

She nods and I give myself a last look on the floor length mirror inside my room, my eyes scanning at the knee length black dress Mrs Sarah had chosen for me, and the milk coloured heels that matched my purse, grabbing my purse on the bed I walked my way down the stairs.

I wouldn't exactly say I didn't see this coming sooner than later but I did, Chance coming to my house and creating a scene till I finally agreed on going on my first date with Xavier. 

And by scene I meant him lying on my front porch and swearing that he wouldn't leave till I accepted, also him whining about his failed date and how his life is filled with nothingness, and immediately we agreed for his sake, I wasn't at all surprised when he said the place was already set and all we needed to do was show up.

As soon as I reach the stairs mother's eyes glinted, holding back unshed tears, she pulls me into a hug, careful not to ruin my dress or the light make up I had on, for the first time, I allow Mrs Sarah paint my face to her taste, reasons why she'd been overly hyper, "You look beautiful Maria, very."

"Thanks Mom." I appreciated pulling away from her and turning to dad who is already crying. He wipes the small tears on his eyes, engulfing me with his ardent embrace.

"My little princess," he coos, and carefully pulls me at arms length to stare at me once more, eyes filled with adoration, "I'm glad it's Xavier, because just like him you're the—"

I thought we were over this, "Dad!" I warn with a pointed glare and he offers me a sheepish smile, lightly elbowing my side.

"Thirty two — okay I'll stop, but just incase you want to mock him, pick that one it's more funny." I nod nonetheless as he pulls me into another suffocating hug. "My small girl."

"Dad it's just a date, and I'll be back today. Before ten. As promised!"

"I know." He gives in and finally pulls away from me and almost immediately the honk of a car reverberates from outside our home.

"He's here." Mom squeals as though she was the one going on the date, with a quirked brow I watch as she's about to sneak to the window when dad 'all of a suddens' cough halted her steps, they share a look between each other before turning their attention to me, trying to act like nothing just occurred.

"You should start going, we don't want to keep your date waiting now, do we?"

Mom insist and I purse my lips, furrowing my brows but don't question them as I saunter to the door, my anxiety suddenly getting the best of me.

It was just Xavier. I remind myself, patting my gown with my hand and clutching on to my small purse with the other.

I pulled the door open, reflexively smiling when I see him standing just beside his car, clad in a dark suit that fitted his body elegantly, he didn't notice me as he was too engross in perfecting the tie around his neck with one hand and his other hand hidden behind his back.

𝐒𝐡𝐞 𝐇𝐚𝐬 𝐀𝐥𝐰𝐚𝐲𝐬 𝐁𝐞𝐞𝐧 𝐇𝐈𝐒Where stories live. Discover now