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"Horseshit!" Mrs Sarah cursed catching me off guard, "I saw him leave through the window." She insisted carefully wiping the clouds surrounding her glasses.

After a short while strolling through the streets yesterday, I convinced Xavier to follow me home, just so I could clean his wounds, this I did skillfully not gaining the sleeping attention of Mom and dad who was sprawled over the couch.

But apparently, Mrs Sarah was very observant, spying from across her window.

"Fine!" I cheesed out, cleaning the last plate with a rag, before carefully placing it in the plate rack on her counter, "but it's not what you're thinking, he's just a friend." I assure turning around to meet her cunning gaze.

"Not with the way you were looking at him when you both were hugging outside eh?"

"Mrs Sarah!" I exclaimed, suddenly feeling flush. "Lurking much?"

"You can't really blame me Maria, it's been a while I've seen anything close to romance."

"That's because you refuse to have anything to do with a guy, I remember grandpa Philippou from book club, I don't need a rated seventy movie to tell me that he was hitting on you when he said your virtues have so strangely taken up his thoughts."

She giggles, "well I guess I couldn't move on after Luke."

"I'm so sorry Sarah, Tell me more about Luke, before he died, I bet he was one strong-willed man to put up with all your craziness."

I could see the glint in her eyes, the sudden Flash of happiness, as she pressed her chapped lips together. "Luke was a god," she starts with a small smile playing around her lips, "he adored me, worshipped the ground I walked on, he was practically my knight in shining armour, he was always there when I needed a friend, a partner in crime, he had the brightest brown eyes and the most beautiful smile, he wasn't perfect, he had his flaws and his demons but he battled them with grit, and no matter how people convince me that he's gone Maria, I still feel him near me, I still feel him close to me, keeping me safe, I am one lucky girl to ever have him in my life."

I wipe the small tears off my eyes, "you were both lucky having each other "

She smiles, clearing her throat.

And just then, I can't help but think about Xander and Xavier, I was lucky to have them both in my life, too lucky.

But I just couldn't understand what I was feeling, all I can think about is Xavier but Xander's face keeps replaying in my head.

Days before, all I thought about was Xander, but now that Xavier is in the picture, I just didn't know how or what to feel.

"When you find someone that loves you Maria, love them back as much and don't let the person go, because life isn't promised." Mrs Sarah advises and I nod, with an assuring smile.

my phone rings making me pull my attention from her, I bring my phone away from my Jean pocket seeing the call was from Mom, indicating I had to go to school.

"Mrs Sarah I have to go to school now, see you when I get back," I pick my bag from the counter and took long strides to her hugging her as tight as I could, "don't miss me too much sì?"

She laughs slightly pinching my cheek, "If i do miss you my Bella Maria, then best believe Keke and I would make a grand entrance to your school."

I laugh moving towards the door waving Keke off.

𝐒𝐡𝐞 𝐇𝐚𝐬 𝐀𝐥𝐰𝐚𝐲𝐬 𝐁𝐞𝐞𝐧 𝐇𝐈𝐒Where stories live. Discover now