Your My Girl

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"I'm so glad you guys are here" I smiled at them 

"Us too, school is so boring without you" Ash pouted

"Yeah" I looked down "I'm sorry" 

"Don't apologize for lily, we understand" Josh smiled

All I did was smile at them but then someone put their hands on my shoulders, I looked up only to see tucker with his hands on my shoulders, I moved to try to get him off but he wouldn't move.

"Did you miss me?" He asked me

"Why would I miss you ?" I asked him confused 

"Please we both know you have a thing for me" He smirked 

"Do you?" Carrie asked me shocked

"What! hell no!" I shouted while trying to push his hands off me

"Awe, lily I'm hurt" Tucker put his hand on his heart acting like he was hurt 

I rolled my eyes at him not believing a word he said. 

"Waw Lily really doesn't like you tucker" Wolfy chuckled 

"She loves me really, she's just acting like she doesn't so she doesn't hurt carries feelings," Tucker told him

"And what do I have to do with this ?" Carrie asked 

"Please we all know you like me too" Tucker winked at her 

Carrie and I looked at each other then we both made a sick face before laughing. Tucker walked over to the chair beside Spider and sat down.

"Girls, Girls you're killing me here" He shook his head 

"I'm ok with that," I said and Carrie agreed 

Spider patted Tucker on the back. "Struck out twice in a day, bad luck man" 

Tucker shook his head "I will never love again" 

This made wolfy roll his eyes and shake his head. We all sat there for a few hours talking then we went our different ways. I took ash and josh to my room to hang out while everyone else went to do their own things. 

"How are you coping with everything?" Ash asked as soon as we closed my bedroom door 

"I don't think I am" I admitted "I try not to think about it" 

"You need to face it," Josh told me

"I know, he was my favourite teacher, I looked forward to going to his classes and book club but now I hate looking at my notebook" I looked down at my hands 

Ash and Josh took me over to my bed and we all sat down on it. 

"Where's your notebook ?" Ash asked 

"The bottom of my pyjamas draw," I told her

Ash just nodded her head and rubbed my back lightly then we had a group hug then we watched random movies, had dinner then watched more movies before we fell asleep, my eyes slowly opened while I sat up. I looked out the window the sun was gone, I looked around my room ash and josh was sound asleep on my bed with me so I slowly and carefully got off my bed and tipped toed out of my bedroom. I walked down the stairs it looked like everyone was sound asleep as well so I walked to the back door and opened it the cool air hit me lightly it felt relaxing, I walked outside side closing the door behind me then I  down the garden to the spot me and Spider had our picnic at and sat down. I let out a big sigh and then looked up at the sky, the stars were so bright tonight which made me smile lightly. the wind blow light the air smelt fresh so I took a deep breath in and then out. 

"Hi beautiful" I heard someone say from above me 

I quickly turned around and looked up only to see Tucker sitting on a branch of the old oak tree. 

"What are you doing ?" I asked him 

"Same as you I guess" He smiled then jumped off the branch and landed on his feet

All I did was nod my head while tucker walked towards me and sat down on the ground with me, I looked back up and the sky again not saying anything. 

"So why did you leave school?" Tucker broke the silence 

"Didn't spider tell you ?" I asked him

Tucker shook his head while his eyes were still on the stars "Nope, he said it was something to do with you so he was being homeschooled for a while" 

"Oh, sorry I guess I took your only friend away from you huh" I spoke

"He's not my only friend but yes, I'm lonely" He smirked 

"Well I'm sorry tucker but it turns out my English teacher is my blood dad" I sighed 

"Oh, shit lily," he said shocked 

I nodded my head and then looked down at my hands while biting my bottom lip nervously trying not to think about it, tucker must have noticed cause he grabbed my hands lightly in one of his. I went to pull away.

"I'm only holding it cause you are shaking" He spoke 

I didn't even notice they were shaking but they still were shaking a little. I started taking deep breaths trying so hard not to cry. 

"It's ok to cry lily," He told me

"Not over him" I took a deep breath 

Tucker just nodded his head and held my hand tighter, we just sat there like that for a while not saying anything not doing anything until I started yawning a little.

"Tired ?" Tucker asked 

"I guess so" I yawned again

"Come on let's go to bed," He said while letting my hand go and he stood up, tucker turned to me and held out his hand for me to take which I did so tucker helped me up to my feet then he let my hand go.

"Thanks" I mumbled 

Tucker nodded his head a little then he put his hands in his pockets while we walked back to the house. 

"Your my girl know" He randomly said 

I stopped in shock and looked at him "What?" 

Tucker stopped and turned to me  "Your my girl know, I'm your boyfriend" 

"I didn't agree to that!" I shouted

"And I didn't ask" He smirked 

"You can't decide that on your own I have a saying in it too!" I shouted again

"No, you don't" He shook his head and walked back into the house 

I chased after him and pushed him lightly "I'm not your girl" 

"Wanna come sleep with me" He winked completely ignoring what I just said 

"What! no" I nearly shouted a bit too loud 

This made tucker chuckle and continue walking to one of the spare rooms while I walked behind him walking back to my room. Once I reach my room I walk a bit fast to my door

"See you tomorrow babe" He winked and then walked away 

I stomped my feet wanting to shout at the top of my lungs I'm not your bloody girlfriend but didn't cause everyone in the house was asleep, I didn't want to wake anyone up so I just opened my door and walked in quietly closing behind me. I smiled seeing my two best friends were sound asleep in my bed where I left them. I slowly climbed back into bed and cuddled in falling asleep within seconds.

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