| Anxceit |

627 21 5

Tuesday June 30th, 2020

12:09 pm

Summary |
Last goodbye
Warnings |

They both knew this was it. Ever since Virgil started interacting with those damn...light sides he had been drifiting further away, he's been less anxiety and more Virgil. He wasn't anything like Janus and Remus. He didn't love Janus anymore.

"So...this is goodbye," Janus mumbled, watching as Virgil shoved clothes into his bag.


"I'll miss you,"

...Virgil didn't respond.

"Remus will too,"

...Still no response.

"I still love you, Virgil,"

This was it, Virgil walked over, bag in hands, he looked up at Janus, his stern gaze wavering.

"You're in my way, Janus," Janus moved, letting Virgil through, and watching as he left.

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