| Analogical |

695 24 4

Thursday June 7th, 2020

12:30 pm

Summary |
shadows, college au
Warnings |
- mugging
- racism

Logan was used to receiving racist remarks. He was in a southern town in a mostly white college, it didn't bother him. Words don't bother him.

Though, as he walked from his friends apartment to his dorm, just a short walk down the street, he started to be fearful.

He could hear drunken laughter and figures moving around in the shadows. Then, he was surrounded by three tall men.

Tall white men, who sneered at the sight of Logan.

"Whats a black guy like you doing round here?"

"Trynna rob us?"

"Not if we beat him to it," With that the third man punched Logan hard, leaving a bruise on his cheek. Logan stumbled back, being caught from fallen by a hand grabbing his shirt collar and pulling him forward and digging through his pockets, taking all of the money Logan had on him.

"Lets beat him up a little before we go," One of the men pushed Logan to the ground before kicking him in the ribcage repeatdly, Logan curling up into a ball, bloody and bruised.

The men left but Logan was still on the ground, he heard feet hitting the ground, in his dazed state he curled up more once he saw the pale ankles of someone, only to uncurl at the familar voice of Virgil.

"Logan? God, man, what happened?" Virgil helped Logan up, picking the man up and holding him bridal style.

"I got mugged," Logan mumbled tiredly, passing out in Virgils arms.

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