| LAMP |

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This didn't give me a lot to work with.

Plus I think I've seen somebody else do this prompt

Requested by - Rebel_Fangirl12

- Grey

Thursday  October 24th, 2019

11:39 am

Summary |
Angsty lamp where Virgil breaks a dish and excepts an awefull punishment because that's how dark sides it. (Hurt/comfort)

Warnings |
- Panic attack

- Flashback of abuse (verbal and physical)

Let me know if I missed any
Please point out spelling and grammar errors.

Virgil sneaked into the kitchen, quiet footsteps, he reached up to get a plate, wanting a small snack, except. 


The plate slipped through his fingers, hitting the ground with a loud shatter. He flinched, listening, he knew what was gonna happen, he was gonna be locked in there again and not be able to do anything and he won't be able to breath and- he doesn't want it. He doesn't want it please.

"Vee? You alright in- oh." Patton stooped, looking at the emo, curled into a ball against the counter, hands covering ears, tears pricking his eyes. 

"You're such an idiot, Virgil! You can't even get a plate correctly?" Deceit growled, hitting Virgil against the cheek. "I should never have taken you in, you don't deserve to be with the dark sides." 

"Virgil, Hey, tell me five things you see, can you do that?" Logan's voice was quiet, calming, and almost forcing Virgil to look up at him. 

"I-I see you, I see your red sweater, I see broken plate, I see Patton, and Princey."

"Good job, what about smell? Four things you smell." Virgil took a deep breath.

"Vanilla, from Romans sweater that you're wearing, lemons, from your shampoo, cookies..." he paused looking around and seeing some cookies cooling on the counter, Patton must've been baking, "Coconuts." 

"What's that from?" Logan asks, a small knowing smile on his lips.

"My shampoo." Logan smiled.

"Do we need to continue?" Virgil shook his head, jumping when Roman scooped him up, holding him bridal style. 

"You gave us a scare, Vee."

"Sorry." Logan shook his head,

"No need to apologize."

And for once, Virgil felt safe.

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