| Moxeity |

563 18 4

Friday, May 1st, 2020

11:34 pm

Summary |

Patton was only trying to help.

Warnings |
- Cheating
- Prinxiety
- Crying

Patton was humming soft songs to himself, making his way to Virgils room. He twirled slightly as he knocked, receiving no answer he opened the door, seeing the small black basket of dirty clothes he went to dump it into the much larger basket on his waist, already filled with his own clothes.

He dumped the basket before noticing Virgils jacket on the bed, the one he always wore. He decided to wash it, make it nice and clean for his boyfriend!! He hugged it close for a moment, inhaling the familar scent of coconut of  Virgils outfit.

Expect...it smelled like vanilla, how strange.

Roman smelled like vanilla.

He shrugged, going to Romans room, noticing the door was slightly ajar he opened it the rest of the way. "Ro-" He paused, dropping the basket.

Virgil was holding himself above Roman, peppering him in kisses, shirt being lifted by Roman.

"T-That explains alot," Patton ran away in tears, paying no attention to Virgil running after him.

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