| Moceit |

511 23 5

sequel to the previous moceit one requested by somebody
also spoliers
also ive gotten alot of reads lately on some of the older chapters and I usually ended up rereading some of them when that happens and...I got really happy, i see a little bit of improvement in my writing, I don't know, it made me happy.

- Grey

Thursday, May 7th, 2020

12:38 am

Summary |
Janus comforts Patton

Warnings |
- mentions of Cheating
- mentions of Prinxiety
- Crying

Patton hated that he cared so much. He loved Virgil a lot but this...this heartbreak. It wasn't worth it.

"I don't love Virgil, I never did, easy peasy no more feeling-"

"Liar," Janus popped into Pattons room, not that he could control it, but it seems he was needed. "Something wrong, Patton?"

Patton was a bit hesitant, but heartbreak makes a person vulnerable. "Virgil cheated on me!" he launched himself into Janus' arms, sobbing as he explained everything, Janus just...comforted him, soothing words and soft touches. It helped.

Patton fell asleep in his arms, he loved it, he loved Patton. But, Patton was heartbroken, and if he did ever want a relationship well...

Janus had a feeling he wouldnt be treated kindly, he pressed a soft, almost not there, kiss to Pattons hairline, tucking him in, before going back to where he belonged.

With the dark sides.

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