| Logince |

711 26 4

Sunday, Feburary 9th, 2020

12:39 am

Summary |
1) A crying kiss
2) Red converse
3) Running away

Human AU
Warnings |
- Running away
- Mentions of unsympathetic! Patton
Let me know if I missed any.
Please point out spelling and grammar

"Roman, please," Logans voice was soft and fragile, tears in his eyes, about to overflow. "Y-Youre all I have, youre my everything, you cant leave,"

"I cant stay either. Hes going to be the death of me, possibly literally, hes...not as caring as he acts," Roman had his own tears rolling down his cheeks. The backpack straps on his shoulders digging in roughly, the rain making his hair flatten against his head. Logan was completly dry, underneath the porchs small cover, barely awake, hair a mess, wearing one of Romans sweatshirts, the sleeves giving him little sweater paws, and an old pair of boxers. His square glasses were on the edge of his nose, as tears started to roll down his cheeks. Roman sighed, before cupping Logans face, kissing him through the tears. Logan clung to Roman, taking in every moment. The scent of vanilla, the soft lips, carefully brushing agaisnt his own, the calloused hands agaisnt his cheek. The kiss ended but they stayed together, foreheads pressed agasint each other.

"Goodbye, mi amor. I'll find you again,"

"Roman, please," Logans plea was lost in the wind as Roman ran away, the bright red converse getting soaked as he sprinted. Logan fell to his knees, the concerte unpleasent as he sobbed into his hand, the other clutching his heart through the sweatshirt. "I hate you!" he yelled after him, "I hate you for leaving me!!" he sobbed again, standing up shakily. "I love you..." he whispered shakily. "So, so, much,"

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