"Let me go you ugly, swine flu infested circus freak!" Her voiced wavered, fear clouding her judgment. She kicked her feet around at an attempt to escape from the giant, monochromatic clown.

He let out a fake, dramatic gasp. An equally as fake, sorrowful expression painted his face. He dropped her and she crashed to floor with a loud slam. She watched as he dramatically posed, one monstrous hand where his heart hopefully was, and his other on his forehead.

"Oh you flea filled cretin, how dare you say such nasty things to me, The Laughing Jack." He wiped an imaginary tear from his pale, sunken face. "I should've mangle you and replaced your internal organs with candy and beat you like a piñata." He spat pit as he glared at her both confused, and terrified form. "Maybes then you wouldn't be so rude to me."

His mood instantly switched as he leaned down to her height. "But you are a spunky little thing, I simply must show you off to my friends before I scoop out your bone marrow like ice cream!" He giggled like an excited little kid. He grabbed her by her shirt as if she were a toy in a claw machine and skipped out the door like an overgrown child. She was left to hope she could wake from this acid trip or a nightmare.

The blonde, who had returned to his "normal" form, sat at the dining room table. In front of him was Eyeless Jack who was passing the time by reading a thick, hardback book. Ben let out a sigh as he took another gulp of his sprite.

He groaned as he heard the other Jack's annoying voice ring out from the living room. He tried his best to ignore it.

"You should probably go make sure he isn't doing anything dumb."E.J said, eyes glued to his book.

"Why me? You're the responsible one." Ben whined, snapping off his soda tab.

"My break is from six to seven; I don't have to care about any of you for another thirty minutes." Jack kicked his feet up and took a sip of his unsweetened coffee.

Ben pushed his chair back with a groan and started towards the living room. His pace was slow and patient, having not really ever cared for the clown, Like at all, but his mood quickly shifted when he heard the voice of his friend.

He bolted towards the living room as fast as his little ghost legs could carry him. He skidded to a stop as he reached the doorway. In the middle of the room stood L.J proud and tall, holding up their precious cargo as if she were a prize he had just won.

"What the actual fuck?! Put me down!" He pursed his lips, panic gripping at his chest.

"Alrighty." And with that she was dropped onto the floor. He watched as she examined the few ,but definitely peculiar looking people in the room. He froze as her eyes landed on him. She seemed to linger on him longer than the others, finding something familiar about him but not being able to pin point it.

She brought her attention to the arguing pair which consisted of the rotten tortilla chip and a shorter, blockier male. His tan skin looked rough and crusty.

"Don't you pay attention to anything that goes on around here?" The man scolded, shaking his finger at him.

"Nope!" The clown happily replied back, popping the p.

"I swear to god L.J I am this close to beating your head in with a rock."

"Don't you have more important matters to attend to?" The clown tilted his head towards the cowering girl behind him. The man groaned, eyes locking with young girl. Her breath hitched, trying to get herself to her feet in order to make what would've been an ultimately futile escape.

A new face had appeared from what seemed like out of nowhere. He looked the most normal out of everyone, aside from the grotesque tear on his cheek. Other than that he looked like some college kid, The bags under his eyes helping her visualize his rushing an essay do in a few hours. His cheeks were freckled, the blazing summer heat bringing them out against his almost gray skin.

"You've been kidnapped and-wow-taken to a weird m-Hi-mansion filled with the worst things-hi hi- you could possibly imagine." She looked skeptically at the bouncy brunette, his seemingly random outbursts throwing her off for a moment.

At this point she was certain this was all a really stupid lucid dream, so she decided to just vibe with it until she wakes up. Besides, there was no way someone actually would speak such painfully cliche words. Right?

"I'm sorry, why the fuck have I been kidnapped?" She steadied herself by kneeling and using her other hand as support. She leaned as far away from the boy as she could. Even if it was a dream, She could still feel fear.

The boy seemed to perk up a bit more. He ran over and crouched down to her level, both of his hands held up a peace sign. He made a 'scissor-like-motion' with them as he spoke.

"That's a super-super-super-, ultra, mega secret that can only be shared with the boss's inner circle, Wwuh-wow-which you'll likely be apart of!" His answer only led to more questions.

"Wait, what? Who's the boss?"

"Jeez, you ask A lot of questions." He stood up and held his hand out. "But that's ok-o-o-ok, you'll hopefully get most of your question answered in a bit." She took his hand and she was yanked her to her feet.

"Well since you two are clearly getting along, I'll let you deal with her." She turned her attention back to the other one. "I need to deal with something real quickly." He made directly eye continue with Ben, sending chills down his ghost spine.

The boy put his arm around her shoulder and started walking in the opposite direction of the living room, heading up the staircase. She felt his arm twitch and tic every so often, despite his efforts so suppress his tics.

"Sorry about T-whoo-Tim, he's a little gruh-grumpy most of the time." She exhaled from her nose in a attempt to laugh.

"You're a lot calm-calmer than you probably should be." He spoke again, this time his slight ticks interrupting him. He seemed to be speaking to himself more than to her.

"This is just a dumb dream, why wouldn't I be?" She tried to convince herself. The pale, freckled boy beside her suddenly erupted with laughter.

"A-are you serious?!" He gasped out between fits of laughs and giggles. She noticed his twitching get more wacky, his mood definitely seemed to have some sort of impact on his Tourettes. "Jeez, yo-hey-hi!-your in for a not-so-pleasant surprise." He chuckled.

She ignored him and spaced out as she walked. She examined the hall; the walls had peeling, mahogany wallpaper with a black pattern running down it. It had multiple tears and mysterious stains. The floorboards were very creaky, really selling the whole 'spooky vintage mansion' look. There was a long red, black, and gold carpet that followed the hallway all around the mansion. The entire place was cold and the air felt heavy.

"Snap out of it." He flicked her in the forehead, bringing her attention to the large double doors in front of her. "Spacing out like that will do you more bad than good around here, kid." She was more concerned about the nickname, seeing as they both looked around the same age. "Anyways-hi, here we are!"

"Where are we?"

"At Slender's office. He wanted to tuh-whoo-talk to you as soon as you woke up. I heard you already-hi h-hi- woke up while Jeff and Ben were taking you in, but y-"

"I'm sorry, did you say Ben?" Before he could answer, the double door swung open. She jumped back, obviously startled.

Her face went white and her eyes widened as she was met with a mortifying sight. Her breath got caught in her throat as she trembled.

"Well, don't keep him waiting, duh-doofus."

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