Chapter Twenty-Three

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The sun was high up earlier than usual. Its vividness giving the busy people in the village a signal that it was going to be a very bright day. Most of them were awake though, except for this particular young man who had the ability to ignore everything in his sleep- must it be the loud bangs of two metal pots together, or the soft tappings on his right shoulder.

The girl laying beside Jeongguk had woken up, and had first planned to wake him too, not until she had decided it was a silly idea after what seems to be the millionth time of shaking the boy.

"Wake up," whispered the girl, her hands slowly caressing the lad's forehead. "Please?"

Although Y/N wanted her lover to gain more sleep, she also looked onto cooking breakfast with him once again, though it seemed rather impossible at the moment. She loved how Jeongguk looked when he was focused on something, but she also liked how peaceful he seemed while he was asleep.

And with that final attempt, the girl quietly sat up, rubbing her eyes as she did so. She fixed her part of the bed, and finally went out of the room.

Jeongguk, on the other hand, slowly fluttered his eyes open, looking sideways to make sure Y/N had left the room. He quietly sat up, his arms giving him support, and rubbed his eyes. He had awoken a few minutes ago, due to Y/N's ways of trying to wake him up, but he chose to be still 'asleep'.

He was supposed to visit the kingdom for a 'meeting' with his father and a few soldiers for the attack scheduled the next day, and that was what he was about to do.

It was the last day he had with the humans, and as much as he wanted to spend the whole day with them, his father clearly had a much different plan.

Jeongguk stood up, turning back to fix his side of the bed, and proceeded to prepare himself to meet his kind again.


"His Highness went to meet some of the soldiers, Your Majesty," uttered a maid, bowing down to the young man in front of her.

Jeongguk had just arrived in his kingdom, shifting back to his normal self after he had arrived in his own room in the castle. He had questioned one of the maids walking past his chambers about the whereabouts of his father, and it seemed that the meeting he was supposed to be in had already started.

The lad thanked the maid, bowing slightly before he walked off. He trudged towards the room his father and a few soldiers were said to be in, and nodded to the guards stationed in front of it.

As the large doors were opened, Jeongguk slowly peaked in, looking back and forth between the faces of his father and the people with him. He stepped forward, bowing to them as his greeting.

"My apologies for being late," Jeongguk muttered, straightening his back once again as he analyzed everyone in the large room.

"No worries, son," King Ji-hoo had assured, smiling softly. "We had just begun, after all."

Jeongguk nodded, walking towards an empty chair across where his father was sitting as he sat down on it.

"Well then, let us get started," Chief Lee had announced, clasping his hands together as he expectantly stared at the young man. He pulled a roll of parchment paper out, flattening it on the wide table.

"A few soldiers and I had already studied this so-called village of the humans long before, and we have pointed out where the best places are for us to strike," addressed Chief Lee, seemingly proud of himself. "We had them marked, as you can see."

Jeongguk looked over the parchment, analyzing every detail of the drawing on it. It had a drawing of the so-called map of the humans' small village, and scattered were multiple pinpoints of the places said to be the best positions to strike.

"We'll attack the humans before sunrise, where they're all asleep," the old man added, looking at everyone around the table. "This way, we'll have a higher level of succeeding."

The others bluntly nodded, listening to every word the man standing was trying to say. They had been preparing for months now, and they were very much joyful that the time they all had been waiting for had finally arrived.

"How many soldiers will we have in every position, sir?" someone in the group had asked, glancing at Chief Lee as he waited for an answer.

"We'll have at least six soldiers in every place, and an additional three in case of problems," Chief Lee answered, a small smile appearing on his lips.

Although at least nine soldiers sounded like a very small value, Jeongguk knew that when it came to the humans, they did not have to exert further effort, as what the lad had observed during his stay in the small village. Why, a weak scoundrel from his kind had managed to escap from the hands of three of the strongest men the humans had, so it was no doubt the werewolves would obviously win this fight.

After the meeting had ended, Jeongguk was called to his father's chambers for further instructions- instructions on when, what and how he should prepare for the attack the next day.

After all that, Jeongguk had finally been dismissed, allowing him to go back to the humans' village to rest, and to spend time with them for the last time.

But of course, before the young man could grasp the rest he needed, Y/N came in worriedly, asking him how he had been and where he had been. Jeongguk, on the other hand, just huffed and explained how he wanted to take a stroll outside.

Although Y/N was quite suspicious of her lover's answer, she let him be- helping him prepare for bed once again and giving him the rest he needed. Jeongguk, of course, was grateful and happy for this.

And with that, Jeongguk was left alone in the room, ignoring every noise he heard from the outside. He needed this nap, and he needed the energy he would be getting from it. As he closed his eyes, however, he sensed Y/N's presence once again, but instead of opening his eyes and asking her what she needed, he ignored her, as what he should have done from the very beginning.


Without Jeongguk noticing, night time had approached even faster than how he quick he thought it would be. This made his chest feel heavier, of course, as the act of betrayal was coming nearer.

"Do you feel alright, Jeongguk?" asked the curious girl, tilting her head as she expectantly looked at the lad. She had noticed him spacing out once again, and she was very much worried about her lover.

"Yes," Jeongguk murmured, breaking away from his thoughts. "Of course I am."

They continued preparing for bed once again, Y/N frequently asking the young man if he was alright, or if why he was spacing out too much. Jeongguk, in return, just huffed and nodded, as he always did.

"Goodnight," Y/N whispered, patting Jeongguk's head as her eyes slowly closed.

Jeongguk smiled, murmuring a small "goodnight" before he gave the girl a small kiss on her head.

"Be well without me," Jeongguk uttered, his words ending quietly. "Survive."

And with that, Jeongguk slowly fluttered his eyes closed, ready for later's activities. He was ready for everything. He was ready to betray and leave the people he considered family. Ready to forget his feelings and emotions and ignore his throbbing chest. He was ready- ready to let go of the unconditional warmth he received from the girl he loved so much. He wished he was ready, truly.

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