The Cult of Jericho

Start from the beginning

"We'll talk about this alright."Mandy said to her.

"There aint nothing to talk about. Im done talking."Naomi said as she walked out of the room.

VC-Naomi-Who does Chris think he is? Asking me to sacrifice my number one alliance in this house, is he crazy? I see right through his bullshit. He knows how to talk his way into getting exactly what he wants.

"Back to what I was saying,"Chris continued, "Our goal is to get Seth and AJ out of this house. John and Roman are our best chances at achieving that. Either way, if those two teams go in against each other, one strong team is going home. They're very evenly matched. And to my knowledge, none of them are strong allies to any one of you right. Well, of course with the exception of Naomi."

"John and Roman said our name twice so I have no problem throwing them in there."said Alexa.

"We have no ties to them either."said Trish.

Mandy had a look of concern on her face.

VC-Mandy-This is going to be hard because....not only are Naomi and Roman family but....Roman and I have a friendship betray him would make me feel so bad.

"Well, I guess nominations are set. Mandy, you got your work cut out for you. Convince Naomi to do the right thing. Class dismissed."said Chris.

VC-Becky-I feel so icky to be apart of this alliance. I feel like I'm in a Challenge version of The Manson Family.....The Jericho Family.


"Im not doing it Mandy."Naomi said as she walked into her bedroom.

Mandy was tailing behind her.

"You don't understand how great of a position we're in right now."Mandy said, "We have to do this. It hurts me too but....think about the money. Roman already won money. You haven't! This is your third season!"

"No, you don't understand! If I say Roman's name for nomination do you know how bad thats going to make me look? Do you know how much explaining I'm going to have to do when I get back to my family?"

"You wouldn't have to say anything when you go back to your family with a bunch of cash!"

"Why do you believe in Chris so much? I don't trust a damn thing he says. He doesn't care about us. He only cares about Trish and Lita. He'd kick us to the curb at any given moment. He has us doing his dirty work for him!"

"So what. All I care about is going to the finals. Chris is our ride to the finals! What has Roman and John ever done for you?"

"They had our back throughout this entire game Mandy!"

"If Sasha was still do you think he'd care about us? We're only his number ones because he has no one left. He would've betrayed us in a heart beat for Sasha. Stop playing with your emotions and use your head! Do you want to be a triple time Challenge loser? You care too much about other people! Guess what, Sasha and Roman are already Challenge Champions, you aren't!"

Naomi sat on her bed and painfully listened to what Mandy was saying. She hated to admit it some ways.....Mandy was right.

"If we don't say John and Roman's name for nominations....we're going to make a lot of enemies. We're going to end up being plucked right out of this game."

"If I say their names and they end up coming back to the am I supposed to explain myself to Roman?"

"Its a game and you're playing it. The end. If it makes you feel any better, i'll be the one to say their names at nominations."

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