Apologies at first sight

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"Mewwwww~~~~ let's go na~~~" Alice whined pulling mew's hand who was trying to sleep in the classroom.

"Fuck off...leave me alone I want to sleep." Mew scolded alice taking his hand back from her hold.

"You brat, you can sleep in cafeteria. I am hungry" Alice said.

"Go find zack. Let me be in peace." Mew said putting his head on his hand and closing his eyes.

Alice had an Idea. She smirked and tip-top to stand behind mew. She raise her and smacked mew's head really hard.

Mew hissed in pain and now he was really pissed "you bitch I am going to kill you."

Seeing mew wrath Alice laughed and ran off from there and mew followed her. Alice ran towards cafeteria where Zack was waiting for them not knowing what just Alice did to mew. mew was running behind Alice yelling her name.

Alice entered the cafeteria and saw jack and ran towards him. mew was behind as he was about to grab alice, mew bumped into a guy who was holding tray of food in his hand and all the food spill over him and the guy.

Mew got more pissed "what an unlucky day" mew said brushing off the spilled food from his clothes.

"Yeah what an unlucky day. I think you own me an apology." The guy said.

"Fuck you. Who do you think...." Mew's words hung in his mouth when he looked at the guy. The guy, who is standing in front of him was really handsome and beautiful at the same time. For the first time he was struck by someone's looks. Although he was handsome himself. Even one of the hottest guy on the campus but this guy.....

"Hey you bumped into me and also spilled my food. Don't you think you need to apologies to me?" the guy said.

Mew was staring at the guy not saying a word. The guy snapped his fingers in front of him making him come back to reality "hey I am waiting for an apology."

"Gulf!!! Gulf!!! You are here.. Let's go..." Mild came running looking anxious and shaking. He pulled gulf to go from there.

"But this guy he..." gulf was interrupted by mild.

"Oh sorry mew he is new. he didn't know you. Forgave him. please." Saying this mild pulled gulf out of cafeteria and gulf resisting to not go and make the guy apologies.

After mild and gulf left, mew was still standing there not knowing why this guy seems attractive to him? 'Gulf' he thought to himself. Then suddenly he felt smack on his head. He looked back "Alice you little bitch."

"Oh so now you can talk. I thought you are a mute." Alice laughed teasing mew on what just happened.

"Hey stop playing I have class soon. Let's eat first." Zack said.

Then he pulled both of them to the table. Mew looked back where gulf left. Then went with his friend to eat something.

While eating Alice kept on teasing mew. zack stepped in the conversation "you are always hot tempered. I thought you are going to punch him when you bumped into him. But you did nothing that was really new."

"I don't know" mew said being annoyed with his friend's questions and teasing.


On the football field.

"Why did you pull me here? He bumped into me and spilled my food all over me. And didn't even apologies." Gulf said to mild.

Mild hung his head and sighed "gulf you are new here. You don't want troubles when you just got here, right? And that guy is trouble."

"Trouble or not, I just know that he ruined my lunch and my clothes. He should have apologies instead of staring at me like it was my fault." Gulf said making annoyed face.

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