Chapter 1

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Rayyan's POV

'kringggg' 'kringgggg' 'kringgg'

Uhh..... the annoying sound of my alarm that wakes me everyday. Wait .....that sounds like my ringtone. I woke up and checked my phone. Unknown number? This better be something important.

"Hello" I said

"Hello, Rayyan. Professor Ashfaq here" he said. Okay, I know who is this.

"hey chimpanzee sharnaaz. Why are you calling me this time idiot?" I asked

"Mr.Rayyan Khan. Its me your professor and not Sharnaaz Malik." he said. Wait, his voice is like Ashfaq sir. Don't tell it is Ashfaq sir. Shittt.

"I am extremely sorry sir. I thought its sharnaaz. He always use this kind of stupid pranks." I said. Allah, it is so embarrassing.

"It's okay Rayyan. I called you for a help." he said

"yes sure. Tell me." I said

"Remember we talked about the student exchange programme from other state. I need you and Sharnaaz to lead this programme. Both of you are the top scorer. Both of you can also help each other too" he said.

Our college is having a junior students exchange programme for a week. I was selected as one of the mentor because we are the final year student.

" sure sir, we don't have any problem. Sir if you don't mind, can I ask you something." I said

"yeah sure?" he said

" miss grace didn't attend our class for past one week. Is she okay?" I asked

"ohh, she resigned her job because her husband got transferred to London. I forget to inform you. The substitute lecturer will be here today as well as the students from the exchange programme. I forget her name. Its okay, you will meet her today." he said. Owhh, new lady lecturer. Interesting.

"okay sir. We will meet in the college." I said and we hung up. I took my towel and walked to the washroom. I took a warm shower and get dressed in a white shirt and black pants. I took my things and walked to the dining room.

"Assalamu Alaikum rayyan." mama said

" Wa Alaikum Salam mama. Mama, I have to go now. Bye" I said

"Rayyan, eat something first" mama said

"no mama, I have something important to do. Informed to papa. Bye" I said and kissed her forehead. I walked to my car and started driving to my college. I parked my car at the students parking area and walked to our spot.

"Where is sharnaaz?" I asked Rafiq.

"Don't ask bro. The last time I called him, he said ' if I get a call from you again, then you will get a punch when I reached there.' " he said

I took my phone and called that idiot.

" I am here. Stop calling me." sharnaaz said panting. He must have ran here.

"Please be early at least for a day Sharnaaz." I said

" Sorry bro, genetic. What to do?" he said. Thats true, he is like Imran maamu(maternal uncle) .

" Did Ashfaq sir informed you?" I asked

" yeah but why bro? Why me? You know right we have a lot of work since we are final year students." he whined like a kid.

"bro, you know we are the future of khan's and malik's group of company. This will help us to guide our workers bro. Trust me" I said

"Yes boss. Bro, there is a bus coming. I never knew our college have a bus" he said

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