Chapter 9

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Shahana's POV

I was driving to the venue for the Malik's party. I had set everything yesterday and I asked Zaara to handle it for a while. I was driving when I saw a lady by the road asking for a ride. I stopped the car near her.

"Assalamu Alaikum. " I said

"Wa Alaikumu Salam. Dear can you drop me at the Diamond hotel. My car broke down." she said.

"Sure, please get in. I am going there too." I said and unlock the car. She get in and she was thanking me continuously.

"By the way dear, are you related to the Malik's." She asked

"No aunty, I am the one who is handling the arrangements for the party." I said

"Owhh that's cool. By the way, you are looking beautiful beta." She said and I just smiled.

As we reach the hotel, I dropped her near the entrance and drove to park my car. I entered and I felt satisfied with my staff's work.

"Zaara, its looking beautiful" I said as I walked towards her.

"Of course it is. You did most of the work. Surely it would be beautiful. By the way, its been a week senior Rayyan met with uncle. Did you guys fix the engagement date.?" she asked

"I don't know, i just let them decide. After all I'm just a puppet in this whole drama. Now get back to work." I said

"Yes boss, by the way Hana, Mrs Malik wants to meet you." She said. I just nodded and walked around the room holding my walkie-talkie. I saw her standing with a group of ladies.

I walked towards them and I called her out.

"Owhh Hana, you are here. Sano, Asfa, she is the one I was talking about. Look how well she and her crews decorated this place." She said. I smiled and looked at them but my smile immediately became a shock.


"Aunty?" I said and she glared at me.

"I mean mama. What a pleasant surprise. I didnt expect you to be here." I said. I was still shocked to see Rayyan's mom here. She had warned me to call her mama and not aunty.

"you know her?" Mrs Malik asked

"She is my soon to be daughter in law." Mama said

"owhh, So Hana is the one. Then call me mama too. If you are going to be our Rayyan's wife, then you are like my daughter too." She said and hugged me. Wait, I still don't know who is she.

"Rabia, dont confuse her. Beta, she is my best friend, my bhabi and Rayyan's phuppo." She said and it was too much for me to digest. Then my view shift to the person standing beside them. Its the same aunty I met just now.

"Aunty, you are here?" I asked.

"Owhh, this is my best friend Asfa." Mama said.

"And call me ammi." She said and suddenly i felt touched. Once there were no one for me to call mom but now I got three mother just because of....Rayyan

I smiled at them and I was enjoying while talking to them. They are very sweet and they are very excited about this marriage.

"This will be the first marriage in our family. Im really excited. Our kids are growing." Mama said

"Yeah" Asfa aunty said while wiping her tears.

"Aunty, calm down. Dont cry" I said

"Now you are making me sad" she said. I was shocked. What did i ..... Okay i know.

"Ammi. Please dont cry". She looked at me shocked. Suddenly her phone started ringing and she excuse herself .

"Mama, did I say something wrong. She looked different" I asked

"No beta, its just that.... She lost her daughter in an accident. Maybe thats why. But please beta, keep calking her ammi, i could see the happiness in her eyes." Mama said and I was shocked. I had think before why my life is unfair. Why I dont have a mother but her lost is bigger than mine. At least i never had an experience with my mother but she lived with her.

"What are my beautiful ladies talking. Missing me?" I heard a voice.

I turned and saw..

"Senior Sharnaaz?"

"Hana, you are here. Wow, rayyan didnt tell me that you are coming." He said

Why am I receiving too much of surprises.


"So how are you hana?" he asked

"Im good senior. How are you" I asked

"Good and stop calling me senior. Call me bhai. We are going to be family soon and you will be my sister" He said and i just smiled at him.

"Hana I know how this marriage was fixed but trust me hana, he really likes you. He waited for you for 5 years" He said

"bhai, i know you are saying this because he is your cousin but what he did hurts me." I said looking away. I could feel eyes are burning in tears.

"No hana, i saw sarah with you that day. Immediately after you left with your father, she jumped in happiness and get back to her class. Do you know why i wanted to talk to you? I wanted to tell you he had an accident. He was unconscious for 2 days. Even doctors said if he didnt wake up he will be under coma stage but Alhamdulillah he survived." He said giving me a heart attack.

"what are you saying bhai? " I asked.

" Its true Hana, trust me." He said

"But it doesnt change the fact that rayyan and sara were in love." i told him

"no hana, they were not. You...."

"Listen bhai, i really don't want to talk about this. I really want to believe you but the fact that you are his best friend is making me not to do so. After all the wedding is fixed. He gets what he want." I told him and walked away. When I was far from everyone, a pair of hand pull me.

"hakim? What are you doing?" i pushed him.

"you lied to me?" he asked

" what are you talking about?" I asked as if I don't understand what he is asking about.

" you told me, you were in love with him. But you were actually forced. Why would you do that. Its a force marriage." he said

" no its not. I am willing to marry him." I told him.

" liar. Hana listen. I will take care of you. Please hana, just stop this marriage so we can get married."

" are you mad? I am someone's fiance. You can't just ask me to marry you. Yeah there are some misunderstandings between us but I still love him." I said

" now I understand. You want to marry him without love is because of one thing. Money right?" he said making me furious

" he is your tool to become rich and make your company famous. Right? Why don't you marry me? I am ......"


" how dare you? You really want to know why I want to marry him instead of you. That's because he is a man unlike you. Whoever have a moustache and beard can't be a man. Someone who respect the women around him, he is the real man. Rayyan take care of his mother and sister like his life. That give me the confidence that he will take care of me and my daughter in future but you.... if there is a choice between money and me, you would definitely choose money over me because.... YOU.... ARE... CHEAP." I said and left but I could still hear him saying

" you regret this woman."

Honestly speaking, I lie a lot but each and every word that came just now is not a lie.......


Assalamu Alaikum everyone, I am really sorry I took a longggggggggg time to update. I know the chapter is a bit boring but I hope you all like this chapter. Forgive me if there is any grammar mistake. You know, didn't write for a long time😅😅😅😅. Hope all of you are safe. Wait for the next chapter. Bye bye ❤❤

Loving Mr.KhanNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ