Chapter 24

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"Ugh! We've been walking around in circles!" Clarence yelled. It's true...

Then I stepped on a puddle... It was boiling hot! But, I suddenly felt nothing, maybe it's because of the bond me and Flames have. Well, I guess I'm immune to hot things.

Then I kneeled down to touch the water... Then it suddenly moved and showed a sentence.

"Each bond must lit. Just one snap, and a heart must appear in just a split." I read out loud.

"What did you say?" I stood and faced the two men in front of me.

"It said we need to make a hear? And it was about our bonds..." I answered.

"You said snap right?" I looked at Christian. I nodded. "Maybe, we need to snap our fingers?" well...

"It's worth a try. I'll go first." I went in front of a dead end and stand straight. I took a deep breath and snapped my fingers. Then, all of the sudden, blue flames started to slither and make a door, leading to a blue flames... That's all I could see. It's like, a door leading to hell. The hot air blew my hair behind me. I looked at my fingers, still not removing the position it was in when I snapped it. It looked like a heart, then floating on top of my fingers, was a beautiful blue crystal like heart. Except, it was made from flames.

"So, that's it." I heard Christian say, then the two went beside me. When the flicked there fingers, the effect was similar to mine. Except for the color and theme inside of there door. The flames surrounding it, was color green... That must be the color of Amare's spitfire.

"Mine leads to a rose forest like place. Except, it's covered in thick vines and thorns." Christan said while looking at the door, The flames surrounding it was color green... That must be the color of Amare's spitfire. His gaze traveled to his fingers. Which above them was a green heart, made out of flames. "Amazing." he added. I smiled. Then looked at Clarence.

"Mine leads to a pile of gold..." his flames are actually the same color as gold, so, that may be the reason.

Then letters started appearing on top of the door.

"The Dragon with the Goddess which carries the Royal Blood." I read. Then I looked at the two.

"Mine says... The Dragon with the God with a Heart Of Gold." Clarence read..

"The Dragon with the God of all Nature." I was confused..

"God of all nature... God with a heart of gold... Goddess which carries the royal blood? What does this mean?" without thinking, I walked inside the door, once I was inside, I heard the door slam shut.

I then suddenly saw a kid... Filled with bruises and cuts all over him... I rushed to him and kneeled so I can see his face.

"Hey, what happened to you?" I asked. He looked at me.. Eyes all filled with pain and suffering...

"I-I... I was abused..." I couldn't helo but hug the kid... I think he needed it..

"Shh.. Let me see those wounds." then removed his shirt... His body was all bruised and swollen... Behind. His back was like.. Wiped..

I ran my fingers on his back.. And watch all the wounds vanished..

"Can I see your arms?" he gave me his arms... I then healed all his wounds. Then we talked for like.. Hours.. But it was okay.. He needed someone..

"B-behind you!" he pointed behind me, I looked to see a black man, I'm serious, there was no face, he was only black...

"Go! I'll be okay! Just, get away from here as far as possible!" he was about to speak but I cut him off. "Just go!" then the man sliced my arm. But I healed it with ease.. The a sword suddenly appeared through the black man.. Behind him, was the kid! I saw his hands had a little cut. I went next to him and healed his wound.

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