Chapter 4

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"My Queen, wake up." huh?

"Mmm...." I groaned.

"My queen wake up." I sat down.

"Good morning." I said yawning.

"Good morning to you too my Queen. We must go now." eh? Ah, yes. I said early in the morning huh?

"After I'm done washing my mouth and my face." I jokingly said.

"There is a river over there my Queen. The water is drinkable."

"Thanks." and then I stretched.

Wow, the river is so clean.

After I was done cleaning my face and My mouth. I went to next to Kenji. And wow! Midnight is here!?

"H-how did you find her!?" I asked Kenji.

"I didn't, she followed us all night my Queen, I forgot to tell you that. I'm sorry." I patted his shoulder.

"It's alright. And now! As for you Midnight, how did you get out of the castle?" how stupid of me.

"She's an animal. She can't talk to me."
They both chuckled.

I went up on Midnight's back. "Can you hop on?" I asked Kenji.

"I think so.." I took his arm and then helped him on Midnight's back.

"Tell me where the witch lives."

"Just go straight my Queen." uhm okay.

"Midnight! Run!" she obeyed what I said and ran as fast as she could.

"My Queen! Please stop here!" haha! Okay.

"Woah. Midnight." I said while tugging her leash.

Then Kenji mumbled something to make a door made with light energy.

"Say your name my Queen." I nodded and cleared my throat.

"Arabelle Honor." but it didn't budge, even a little bit.

"No my Queen, your real name." my real name? Ohh,

"You meant my name in like the books?" is Eve and Mother aren't my family? And what about my father?..

"Yes my Queen." I sighed...

"Arabelle Tiona...." I said.

Then the door slowly opened.

"So, what does this door have to do with me?"

"It just said in the prophesy," he shrugged.

"How did the prophesy know my name, even if I haven't been born?"

"That, I don't know my dear Queen." what about the witch?

"Do you think that the witch we speak of know the answer to my question?"

"Maybe." he said.

"Now, where next?" I asked.

"I believe, just go straight ahead. The since you're the Queen of Dragons.. The forest response to you." eh? Uhm, okay.

"Kenji, I suggest that you hold on to my waist." I said. "We're going to run once more."

"U-uhm... My Queen..." I turned my head.

"Hm? What's wrong?" I took a closer look at him. He was blushing? His cheeks turned bright red.
"Come on-" I took his hands and placed them on my waist. "don't be shy." I said.

"Y-yes, My Queen..." I smiled.

"Now hang on tightly... Cause... Midnight Run!" Midnight did what she was told and ran. "Haha! Woo hoo!" I yelled.

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