Chapter 19

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Kenji's POV:

In the morning~~~

"Haha! M'lady! Please stop! Haha!" I yelled.

"Haha! Okay." then she removed her hand off the side of my waist. "I didn't know you were ticklish." I wiped the tears from my cheeks.

"To be honest, I actually didn't know my self." I said then stood. I reached my hand out for Belle to grab. She gladly took it and I helped her up.
"M'lady, why don't you remove your mask and cloak?" I pointed at her.

"This was mothers present." oh..

"Uhm, where is Christian?" I suddenly asked.

"He's with Amare, completing their bond. They started last night." she shrugged. "Why'd you asked?"

"No reason." I said while removing some crushed leaves from my hair.
I looked at her head. "You like wearing the tiara he gave you huh?" she smiled.

"I like anything you guys give me." she them messed up my hair.

"Whatever you say, M'lady." then I slid down from the grass. We're next to a waterfall, having a picnic.

"So, how was your match with Merlin?" she sighed.

"He couldn't even slice me. Even one nick. I mean, like, yeah, I'm always like that but, I'm not offending him, I just..." she sighed again. "It seems that he's scared of harming me. Why challenge me while you're afraid?" I shrugged. "I said, when he gets his fear of slicing me, we'll continue the fight." I giggled.

"Ken! Belle! Come on and eat!" Snow called. I actually love the nickname Belle gave me. She was the first to give me one.

"Coming!" we yelled and started running towards her.

"Belle, any news about Christian?" Snow asked Belle.

"Not yet." she said and sat down next to me cross legged.

"Oh, okay. Here." then Snow handed her a sandwich.

"Thanks." then she took a bite of her sandwich. Snow simply nodded.

"Here, Ken." She gave me a sandwich, I just nodded.


We all jumped by a load roar coming from the waterfall. Then there was a look of 'Of okay' on Arabelle's face, then she took one more bite of the sandwich.

"You can come out Cubby." she said. Then a huge lion pounced on her.

"C-cubby!?" I yelled. Then the lion got off of her.

"Mhm! I raised him when he was just a cub." she explained. That makes sense. She paused for a moment while looking at Cubby. It means that she's talking to him, we're actually used to it.

"Oh, so he needs clothes?" she asked him. The lion nodded. "They're next to the huge waterfall?" then lion once again nodded. Belle sighed.

"Since there is a ball tonight. I might as well bring him his "Prince Outfit"
Oh, so they're talking about Christian.

"Uhm, can we come to this so called "ball"?" she giggled.

"Sure." she smiled. Gosh... She's so beautiful when she smiles.

"Uhm, does it include formal wear?" Snow asked. Oh yeah... We don't actually have formal clothes.

"Uhm, yeah. But if you don't want to-"

"Nope, it's fine. Just a flick of my wand and POOF! New clothes." I messed her hair a little bit.

"Oh, and we all need masks. The ones you use on your eyes, not mouth." Belle explained. Hm..

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