Chapter 15

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Christian's POV:

After teaching Amare to fly~~~

"Hm, it looks like she's a fast learner." I said while scratching Amare's head. She now grew as the size of a baby dear.

"Yeah. I'll just go hunting for a moment. I'll be back." Arabelle then left with her bow.

"Christian, is it?" then Kenji sat next to me at the cliff.

"Yeah, Kenji right?" he nodded.

"Lady Arabelle, what is she to you." he asked while looking at the beautiful setting sun.

But then reality hit me, the question...

"S-she's just a friend." then I too looked at the sun setting.

"Hm, are you the prince she kept going with on top of that tower." he pointed at the tower on the left side of the kingdom.

"No, he's my brother." he then laid down on the grass.

"Good, if you were that person, I might have beaten you up... Your brother gave Belle memories that made her cry. One time, when we first arrived at this cliff, once she saw the castle, she started crying for some reason. Then she told us about her sister getting pregnant and etc." he explained. Does Arabelle... Like Harrison...?

Then Amare jumped on my lap. I started stroking her scales.

"She likes Harrison..." I mumbled.

"I can tell that you like her too Christian." he said while putting himself into a seated position.

"How can you tell." I said, still not removing my gaze from the sun.

"I don't know. I just sensed it." he shrugged.

I chuckled. "You too." then I looked at him. His cheeks flushed.

"Hm, it's actually quite obvious huh?" I nodded.

"We're not the only ones who likes her." he looked at me with a look of 'who are they?' look.

"Every young men in the kingdom does. And I can sense that my brother does too." it's true though...

"Who could blame them?" I looked at him with curiosity. "She's one hell of a person. She's strong, independent, smart, fearless, beautiful, has a kind heart and compassionate." I smiled.

"You can say that again." I said. Then we suddenly smelled blood.

"Say what again?" we were shocked when we saw Arabelle covered in blood.

"What the heck!?" I yelled.

"Holly son of a!" Arabelle flicked her finger on his forehead.

"No more bad words." she pointed at us.

"W-what's with the blood?" I asked, pointing at her.

"Oh, I tripped on a rock then I landed on the pig I shot." she shrugged.

"M'lady, I suggest you be more careful next time." I then looked at Kenji. Who was chuckling.

"How many times do I have to tell you that I'll be fine. Whatever happens, I'll still be breathing. Well, unless I die due to how old I'll become." she shrugged once more. "You're lucky that I'm covered in blood right now. Or else your cheek will be the most reddest thing I'll ever see today." wait what does she mean by that? "I'll leave you the pig. You guy's know what to do." then she walked away.

"Uhm, Belle, where are you going?" I asked. She turned her head.

"I'm going to the lake." she simply answered. Then walked again.

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