Chapter 5

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"Thank you for helping us Snow." I thanked her. She smiled.

"Anything for our Queen." then she looked at me and Kenji. "Where are you two going to stay? I mean, you can't stay at the castle, unless you want your self to be killed," then she pointed at the egg that I was cradling tight in my arms. "including that little fella." then she chuckled.

"Snow," Kenji started. "can we stay here for today? If that's no problem." Snow looked at us.

"Of course you can! Only on one condition." eh?

"What is it?" she held my shoulder, still keeping a smile.

"Only if you let me help you on your journey my Queen." huh? Why would she want to help me?

"Excuse me but, why?"

"We want to help you to claim your kingdom. The king has been torturing a lot of innocent people, including my kind. Please, when you win back your kingdom, please release my family." I didn't know the king was this cold.

I kneeled down in front on her. "I promise you that Snow." then I went back on my feet.

"Your mother would be proud of you." grandma Lula said. I smiled.

"How, did you know my mother?" she then sat down next to the fire place.

"Your mother was great Queen, she was brave, smart, powerful, kind hearted and compassionate. She was well known for that. Your father was a nobleman. He didn't physically had the royal blood like your mother's, he was just married. Your mother had gorgeous features, her hair was the same color of the setting sun, that matched her dragon's hide, her eyes were silver, just like her dragon." she saying the story of my real mother, making me realize that my so called mom, who raised me as her own... Even my father... I never actually saw my real mother... I nodded my head as a sign for her to continue. "But... It all changed when the king's father was obsessed with power. He wanted all. But when he knew that dragons were clearly true... He made his men to search for every dragon and riders... He wanted the strong bond between rider and dragon. He killed many dragons and riders. When your mother knew about the disappearance of the dragons she has had enough of it, but it was too late. The kings father had waged a fight between the human and the dragon world. Your mother had no choice to fight, before the war had officially started, your mother had closed the portal that leads to the dragon world. After the war was over, this world we are living in had been coated with blood. Both human and dragons. We all thought that the royal family had perished in the war... But now, we have you." then she pointed at me.

"Me?" I asked. She smiled and nodded.

"Yes, we must have faith that you would claim back what is truly yours... Throne. That makes you the Queen of both worlds. Your mom, the Queen of dragons had been the most amazing Queen that we could ever have. You are the key of opening the portal to the dragon world." but...

"How?" I questioned.

"The time will come for you to know. But not now. You must learn how to fight side by side with your dragon. But first, you must mend your bond." mend our bond?

"This is another how." she chuckled.

"Your dragon will eventually tell you that." the point at the egg.

"And how does he know about this?" she chuckled once more.

"Dragons are born with the history about their kind." I looked down at the egg that I was cradling in my arms. I brought it up to my face and rubbed my cheek against the egg.

"Oh my, it's getting late, go to sleep. You have a big day tomorrow. Sleep well." I nodded and went to the room Snow told us to sleep in.

I laid the egg next to the fire place to keep it warm. I looked to my side and see a sleeping Kenji. Aww, he looks so cute sleeping. I walked next to him. I kissed his hair.

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