Chapter 10:

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6:00pm at night~~~

"Harry!" mother called, I walked next to her. "Please call Arabelle." she added.

"Where can I find her." then we here footsteps coming towards me.

"She's with the (chuckle) pigs." I turned to face the person who spoke.

"Eh? Why are you so sure of that Christian?" a grin made its way to his lips.

"See for yourself brother." he said while pointing at the door. I aggressively walked out.

"Hey! Haha! Stop it! Haha!" eh? That's Arabelle's voice. No. You've got to be kidding me! I ran towards to were the pigs were.

"Arabelle Honor!" I yelled. Damn! She was playing with the pigs.

"Harrison! Haha! Help! Haha! Me! Haha!" the pigs kept on licking her face.

I opened the fence and closed it again. I carefully went to where she had been laying on. Ugh! To all places why did it have to be the pig pen!? And isn't this supposed to be Christians lady!?

"How did you even get here!?" she kept on laughing. "Here, take my hand." then she took it. Woah, she was now even lighter than before.

But suddenly a pig grabbed the back of her clothes, causing us to fall onto the mud. We couldn't help but laugh. My eyes were closed so I couldn't see a thing. I sighed with joy before opening my eyes. I then saw Arabelle bellow me, laughing. I missed her beautiful laugh and smile.

She then opened her eyes and these widened at the sight of me on top of her.

Our cheeks flushed. I quickly rolled away.

"S-sorry.." I stuttered. She stood up and extended her hand for me to reach.

"That's alright, as if that was the first time something like this happened." she giggled. I looked at our clothes.

"Tsk! We're all muddy." she looked at me with a smirk.

"Since when did a little mud harm anyone? Let's just go. We still have time before dinner." I nodded. Before I was about to open the fence, Arabelle just jumped over it!

I just opened and closed the fence. We then went inside.

"Lady Arabelle!" then some maid went close to Arabelle and gave her a towel.

"Eh!?" she looked so surprised. Not used to special treatment I believe.

"We saw you and King Harrison over at the pigs pen. So we already fixed up a bath for the two of you." Arabelle smiled at the maiden.

"Please, just address me by my name."

Arabelle's POV:

"Please, just address me by my name." I told the young maiden in front of me.

"You're too nice Belle." my eyes widened.

"F-flames?" I said out loud. I immediately covered my mouth.

"Uhm, flames?" Harrison asked.

"Ah, nothing, I just remembered the last time I was playing with fire. That's all." he didn't look pleased with what I answered, but shrugged it off.

"You can here me!?" I yelled in my head while accepting the towel the Maiden gave me.

"Thanks." I said out loud.

"Midnight told me. She was at the window on your left side a few minutes ago." he replied.

"Your baths are in your rooms, Lady- Arabelle." I just smiled and nodded.

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