clxxiii. the lost boys

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You were new to Santa Carla and David and Michael instantly took a liking to you, when they saw you walking down the pier, one night

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You were new to Santa Carla and David and Michael instantly took a liking to you, when they saw you walking down the pier, one night.

"I think she'd make a perfect new addition to our group," David commented with a smile. "I'm going to go turn her into a vampire."

Michael grabbed his arm. "Woah, wait a minute. No, you are not. She's gorgeous and I'm asking her out. I absolutely refuse to let you drink her blood. If she wants anybody to be kissing and biting her neck, it'll be me."

"If you think she'd want you to give her a hickey, you must be out of your mind. If that's the case, I'd just drain her blood fully and kill her. It's kinder doing that, than forcing her to listen to your flirting attempts."

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