Wingless flutters

Toothless bites

Mouthless mutters

Jungkook made a face, not really understanding the riddle. Namjoon gave his friend another ten seconds, giving Jungkook a chance to at least answer one riddle.

"I really don't get it." Jungkook waved his hand in front of him. "Just answer it on your own, Joon. Let Athena be proud of you."

Namjoon just shook his head in disbelief. How can this dude be so lazy to analyze this riddle when he, himself, experiences this the most, he thought as he wrote his answer on the paper. "The answer is wind, airhead."

Jungkook didn't even react with the teasing, he knew that his hyung was just making fun of him for being lazy.

Namjoom passed his paper to the Sphinx, who then placed it in the scoring machine made by Hephaestus himself.

After awhile, the machine spat the paper out, revealing the score Namjoon got.

"I don't believe it.." The Sphinx was staring at the paper she held out in awe. "You got a perfect score..."

"So will you let us go now?" asked Jungkook.

"You may..." The Sphinx was still looking at Namjoon's paper, probably taking it all in that for the first time, someone can make it out of her classroom alive.

Jungkook and Namjoon took Soobin away from the Sphinx, who was still preoccupied with the piece of paper. However, when they were already at the other door of the classroom, Jungkook stopped walking and said, "I forgot something."


He points his index finger to the only light bulb inside the classroom and channeled his power. As a son of Zeus, Jungkook can control electricity although doing so can drain him out; it was his secret weapon, after all. And since the Sphinx got him pissed because of hurting a new camper and for killing anyone who doesn't answer her stupid riddles that he believes only children of Athena can answer, he zapped the monster. "There. Got it."

The rest of the boys didn't see what happened next to the Sphinx because before they knew it, the walls of the maze shifted once again.

After a new maze was formed, Namjoon asked the new camper. "Were you inside that room all this time?"

Soobin shook his head. "I was with Lisa noona. She tried to protect me from that other lion monster but the maze moved like what it just did now."

"Lisa?" Jungkook almost broke his neck with how fast he whipped his head to face Soobin. "You were with her? And she faced a monster? All alone?"

Soobin nodded this time. "But I gave her the cape you gave me before. It was really helpful to me before I saw her so I figured it can protect her when she's fighting the monster. I just hope she's okay right now.."

Namjoon could only place a hand on Soobin's shoulder and gave him a reassuring smile. "Your noona's a tough demigod. I'm sure she's already defeated whatever monster that was. You mentioned something about a cape?"

"It was the Nemean lion's pelt. I gave it to Soobin before he went away with Mr. D." Jungkook then realized that Soobin's still bleeding. He immediately fished his jean pocket and held out an ambrosia. He noticed Namjoon looking at him questioningly. "Hoseok gave me three before we got inside the maze."

He nodded, fully understanding what the pelt and ambrosia were capable of. "Let's not waste time now and find a place to spend a few hours to sleep. I'm tired already."

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