StarSanses-Fruit Punch

920 44 9

Requested by TCatCFx
Also everyone please be aware of da blue whale challenge
Liek I heard it's back or some shiz but ya know just so u be aware ->-
Stay safe and be careful to who you talk online and if you get any random DMs that look suspicious then don't reply or block/report em

Ink seemed a bit dazzled. Well he liked both of his comrades. Well how? Well they both also liked him now. They don't really know what to do with this newfound love triangle.

"Uhhhh..." Ink mumbled as he looked at between of his friends. Dream kept glaring at Blue as the other did as well. It was pretty amusing but annoying.

One time they fought over who would use Ink's paint brush.

"But I wanna do it!"

"No me!"



They both did a cat fight.

Neither of them won.

Ink sighed.


Though they entered on a relationship.

"Well let's both just share him!" Dream Said making up the idea. Blue thought as he nodded. They both turned to Ink. Ink a bit confused.

"We ask for your consent." Blue grinned as he sweated. Dream smiled awkwardly. A rainbow hue spreaded around Inks face.

"Well hey! I guess we should try new things!"

Though it was a bit weird at first but the three got used to the new found relationship.

They both loved Ink. Ink loved them both.

So they all loved each other.

Sometimes there were arguments.

"BUT YOU HAD HIM ALL WEEK!" Dream fumed.

"No! I wanna spend more time! Just a month." Dream screeched as Blue insisted. Ink sweatdropped.

Especially with anime.

They couldn't decide which show to watch...

"I want to watch the other one-"

"Nope! This one!"


They'd could watch Boku no hero, or Fairytail. But they ended up watching Fairytail instead- since Blue won the fight.

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