Errorink-Whos the mom?

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"Hey since PJ is born who's the mom?" Geno simply asked as Reaper annoyingly hung him shoulder around him making Geno blush furiously. "Yeah who is my mom?" PJ asked.

"I'm the dad. Inks the mom." Error said which made The smaller one tense in anger. "EXCUSE ME? BECAUSE IM A SMOL ONE IM THE MOM?" Ink shouted.

"Why not?~" Error Said. Ink hugged. "Aww Inky~" "NO IM NOT GONNA BE A MOM HOW ABOUT YOU?" Ink snapped. "aww Inky i'll be lonely... besides... you'll be my housewife...~" Error teased as he nuzzle Ink's head as he huffed again. PJ gagged.

"I'M LAUGHING HOLY SH*T!" Nightmare said at this pointless arguement. "Well who's gonna be the mom, raise your hands if you want Ink to be." Everyone raised their hands. Even Blue and Dream.

"OH MY GOD COME ON GUYS!!! Error carried Ink bridal style. "ERROR WHAT ARE YOU DOING!" Ink shrieked. "Just picking up my housewife anything wrong with that?~" Ink snuggled into his jacket. "Your lucky i love you RuRu." Error chuckled. "I know i am~"

"FOR GODS SAKE PLEASE DON'T FUNK HERE GET A ROOM! WAIT DID SOMEONE FUNKING CENSOR ME?" Nightmare cursed. "Then that means..." Blue paused. 

"HELLO MY BROSPHS! WHATS UP Y'ALL!" Error flinched. "HEDVCGKWDPDVHPEGHORW" Error summoned a gaster blaster at Fresh. "KILL IT KILL IT!" 

"Calm down Error. It's just fresh." Said PJ. "Hey PJ"  "Hi Mr. Fresh!" PJ waved beaming brightly as Fresh blushed purple Ink had vibes that Fresh is gonna steal away PJ. ahem you know what i mean. 

"STAY AWAY FROM MY PJ!" Ink cursed as Error held Ink back from hurting Fresh.

"Wanna have kids Ink?~"



"Calm it Nightmare."

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