AfterDeath-Pumpkin Latte

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Geno was walking in the streets as he felt the need to get a Pumpkin Latte and work on his essays. And projects. Since he's in college. And all that. Ink and Cross were basically doing the same thing. Geno sighed of the hard work.

He went inside a cáfe. Seeing his old friend there. A/C gave him a wave. "Oh hey Geno. What's up?" A/C gave him a small smile. "Nothing, can you whip me up a pumpkin latte? I gotta work on ya know..." A/C nodded rapidly. "Epic! One pumpkin latte please! It's also free on the house!" A/C grinned. "Thanks." Geno smiled at her softly.

Geno got his pumpkin latte as he chose to sit on a table with two chairs. Not knowing a certain skeleton was there. Geno than looked up realizing as he saw the cloaked figure. Basically a skeleton like him. He also had a laptop. Around his age.

"Oh I'm sorry."

"It's fine. Names Reaper. You?"

"Geno." He said firmly.

Reaper smirked. "What a nice name~."

"Shut up Idiot." Geno growled feeling flustered. "So are you in the same university as me? You look around my age."

"Yes. Probably the same university as you."

"Oh really? Haven't seen you."

"Place is so big. Missed me?~"


The both of them were silently just typing on their chrome books. Reaper was a fast typer. (Like me) Geno was amazed by how he types very fast. His hands skimmed over to the keyboard. And buttons pressing on them.

"How are you so fast?"

"I have been on a Computer when I was 5."


This was so awkward. Geno cleared his throat. "So what's your project about?" Geno asked. "About global warming and pollution and yeah... what about you?"

"Oh mines about politics and govermental stuff. I'm working on the thesis." Said Geno. Reaper nodded. The both of them talked back and forth. He even got Geno flustered by flirting with him as Geno whacked his head for it.

"Well I gotta go. Its late." Reaper casted out a hand as he stood up walking past him. Geno waved as he looked down seeing a paper slipped into his hand.

Call me
(Insert number)

Geno was blushing as he cursed under his breath.

And here he was just wanting to enjoy a simple pumpkin spice latte.

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