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Lea’s POV --


Going without school came to an end quicker than I expected it too. Like summer turning into fall within three weeks although in reality it’s been three months. Knowing that I’d have to wake up early was my biggest problem; I had already enjoyed the ideas of sleeping in and staying up rather late.


Luckily, I didn’t have to attend school today. Well, more like I didn’t want to so I just stayed home. I’m sure another day without me won’t cause a stir, if anything I’m certain everyone must’ve forgotten all about me and once I step foot into my first period class it’ll be as though I’m some student transferring from another high school, from a different planet. And I suppose that wouldn’t be a bad thing. I could care less about everyone in that hell hole.


To pass the time, Lana and I have been watching a movie and as we occupied ourselves with that, she was also curling my hair just for the hell of it. She sat on the couch while I sat in between her legs, on a pillow to give myself the slightest amount of comfort. The movie we watched wasn’t all that interesting. I’ve caught myself daydreaming dozens of times, only to be interrupted by something dramatic happening on the screen just a few feet away from me. Lana hasn’t spoken since the movie began and it was hard to decipher whether she, too, was lost in her train of thoughts or sincerely enjoying the film.


“Turn your head to the right.” Lana spoke abruptly and I could hear the curling iron clamping in her hands. “There’s this one curl that’s really getting on my nerves.”


I rolled my eyes as I turned, not just my head but my entire body in the direction of her desire. For some odd reason, I figured that staring past the threshold seemed more interesting than whatever the hell we were watching. Maybe even my fingers could keep me delighted for a mere second. I went through a series of clasping my hands together, drumming my fingers along my knuckles, releasing and placing them lazily onto my knees. This pattern continued until Lana instructed me to turn in the opposite direction.


“This movie is kind of boring.” Lana made no sudden moves, indicating that perhaps for a moment she decided to pay the movie some undivided attention.


“I keep forgetting we’re watching one.” I say casually.


“Yeah,” She laughed and soon enough her hands were toying with my hair again. “I haven’t paid much attention to it either.”


“My thoughts seem a lot more interesting.” I say with a short nod of my head, I always feared--as Lana held anything remotely hot within range of me--that the slightest tilt in my head would give me a burn I’d never forget.


“I’m sure they are.” She replies in a mock tone. “Not like you think about anyone or anything else.”


“What’s that supposed to mean?” I lean forward, prohibiting her of all contact with my hair.


Twisting my body, I face her completely and she’s quick to enhance the distance between the curling iron and I. At first I believed that my sudden movement took her by surprise, causing the baffled look on her face. However, she quickly began to laugh and lean to the far right of the couch where she could unplug the curling iron and set it aside.

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