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One Month Later


Lea’s POV --


You would expect a lot to change in a month.


Not just your normal, average, change though. More like, change for the better. I figured that with all the new things coming my way, I’d find paradise sooner or later. Instead, I should have been more realistic with my wishes. How could a girl, like me, ever find the road to pure happiness? I mean, that kind of luck only happens in romance films like The Notebook or Dear John.


Nothing gets better in the real world, it only gets worse. For example, my parents have gotten back to their normal habits. Those include, cursing and beating me at least two or three times a week. No reasons follow up for their actions, there’s no set time for the riot to take place either. I’m never prepared and recently, no one is ever around to raise a voice for me. Lana normally does but within this month she’s gotten a job finally and behind closed doors she’s been saving up for an apartment which she also got the privilege of purchasing recently. The smart thing, for me, to do; would be to move out right along with her but there’s no space for me at the moment. I’ll have to wait it out. I’m used to waiting now, it’s become one of my greatest attributes.


Lately, I’ve distanced myself from literally everyone. I felt like I was starting over and not in the good way either. This seemed more like déjà vu if you ask me. Except the consequences have raised to higher levels. Something was different about my parents, personality wise. We hardly speak now honestly they’re telling me to come down for breakfast, lunch, and dinner. I spend most of my time with Kira’s house to get away from the negativity. Even if she’s not home, I’ll still pay a visit. Her mom adored me so I was no stranger in that household. I was loved, for the most part--but what do I know about love anyway?


Jason and I talk regularly. He’s probably the best part of my day, honestly. I will never understand why people fear him so much. This past month consisted of him finding time to speak and see me. Even if it were late at night, he’d still show up just to say a quick hello. I loved seeing him, I loved simply hugging him and even kissing him now. I spent as much time with him as possible and I don’t think I’ll ever get enough of him. Just having him next to me could make my day all the better.


As of right now, I am currently helping Lana rearrange the small amount of furniture that occupied the house. We moved the couch farther against the wall and placed a small table beside it. On the table we set a lamp and then we begin dragging a coffee table across the wooden floorboard until it’s in between both the couch and where the TV will soon be placed. The kitchen needs work, a new refrigerator and stove, however everything else was pretty much neat and tidy. A simple one bedroom apartment, cozy enough for one girl if I do say so myself. She had been contemplating on bringing Jasper along with her but I made it clear that Jasper was going to stay with me. He may not be much of a defense against my parents but when I’m depressed, there’s nothing like having a little piece of happiness wagging it’s tail and licking your face, to brighten up your day.


“Alright, now move that chair a little more to the right and I’ll start dusting the table off.” She says, pointing off in the direction for me to follow as she walks back to grab a blue cloth off of the kitchen counter.

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