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Lea’s POV --


Something was different about today.


For once, I wasn’t waking up to plates shattering or arguments. Curse words weren’t being thrown around or shot back and forth. I didn’t catch the sound of Lana groaning from her room as she tried to get another hour of sleep. I normally apprehended stomps on the ground and thumps against the wall. Even if it were as early as ten, my parents didn’t have a specific time where they’d begin a war.


I was beginning to assume that both of my parents were probably at work. That was the only logical guess I could think of. However, that assumption was proven to be false as I took in the aroma of freshly made pancakes. The scent filled my nostrils and because of it, I could no longer will myself to get a few more hours of rest. I slowly bring myself to sit up, my hair falling over my face and hitting my shoulders. I was more than happy to be in my own room for once, all for the simple fact of knowing that Jason wouldn’t have to see how atrocious I looked at this very moment.


After shoving my hair away from my eyes, I yawn and my hands slump down onto the blankets in between my legs. The scent of sweet pancakes took over my entire room. I get out of bed and drag my feet across the floor board, leisurely making my way to the bathroom to brush my teeth and wash my face. Splashing the cold water on my cheeks was enough to fully awaken my entire body. I exit the bathroom after drying myself off and as I’m passing by Lana’s room, I peek in and find her hidden under her blankets; with a single leg hanging over the bed.


My stomach growled, reminding me of my reasons for finally getting out of bed. I scurry down the hall and head downstairs, the TV in the living room displayed the television show ‘Cheaters’. I heard my father barking a laugh as the characters argued and cursed at one another. I wasn’t fond of that show, I don’t think it’s necessary to resort to violence for any reason. So, ignoring my father I poke my head into the kitchen and find my mother cutting into her own plate of pancakes while looking at her phone. My eyes travel to search the counter and there I find another plate with pancakes stacked up towards the ceiling.


It was heaven.


Fully entering the kitchen, I head towards the pancakes and grab my own plate from the cabinets. I snatch up three pancakes and then begin my search for a cup to pour myself some ice cold orange juice. My father’s laughter ceased to tire down, in fact it grew louder and he would often choke over it. I never had much of a connection with my father but it was good to hear him in such a good mood for once. I sit at the kitchen table across from my mother and she looks up from her phone, smiling softly.


“You looked gorgeous at the party.” She begins to say and I stopped myself from shoving the first freshly cut piece of pancakes into my mouth. “I bet everyone wanted to talk to you.”


“How did you see what I wore?” I ask, instead of eating I decide to take a sip of my beverage.


“Facebook.” She states, “Lana put up a picture of you both together and her with someone named Ace.”


“Oh.” I narrow my eyes, wishing my stack of pancakes grew in height to hide my face. “Thanks.”

Sinister [Jason McCann]Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora