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Jason's POV --

The sound of me crunching on nachos befell equivalent to the blaring of the tattoo machine just a few feet away. Once again, I sat in one of the three game chairs lying around and occupied myself by stuffing my mouth with plenty of nachos and dip. Ace would reach for a nacho every now and then but for the most part he remained still while Brody was having his way with him. A needle in one hand and a look of triumph topped off Brody's attire and as he continued giving Ace, yet another, tattoo; we each took turns shifting our topics from one interesting subject to another.

A great portion of our conversations consisted of Brody and Ace doing all the talking while I merely sat and enjoyed the amount of food which filled my system. I would give my input, if I felt the need too, but majority of their topics included both Lana and Kira and I could care less about both girls.

After last night, I seemed to have gotten myself out of the gutter. I spent the rest of the night with Lea, nearly falling asleep in her room since she had been so eager to show me how she's kept the many things I've given her. Actually, I do somewhat recall falling asleep for an hour and awakening to her resting beside me. I would have remained there, just because I did miss sleeping beside her and having her unintentionally tangle her arms around me, but the risk was too great. Although I'm a fan of disobeying the law, I know my limits and I'd prefer to keep myself out of jail for a long time; perhaps forever.

I look to my right, scrutinizing both Ace and Brody while they laughed on about something I paid no attention to. Eventually, Brody glances at me and his face shifts from one of enjoyment to puzzlement.

"What's up with you?" He says, narrowing his eyes as he carries on, carving into Ace's skin.

I shrugged carelessly, "Nothing. I just don't care about this subject."

"You know," Ace cleared his throat and adjusted his chin above his forearms, "We act like we care when you talk to us about Lea. It's only fair for you to do the same."

"I prefer to be honest." I scoffed and placed another nacho into my mouth, as I'm chewing on it I say, "You have nothing to bitch about though Ace, considering I prefer Lana over Kira."

"Kira's sorry about what she said." Brody uttered irritatedly. "There's no sense in dragging that shit on like she doesn't already know she made a mistake. Besides that, you'd think that by now Lea would have a backbone; especially if she's dating you."

"Your tall ass bitch definitely has plenty of backbone to go around, maybe she could lend Lea some? I'm sure she's dying to find a way to befriend her again anyway." I spoke nonchalantly and submerged yet another nacho into the dip alongside me.

Ace couldn't hold back the fits of laughter that came rushing out of his mouth. To avoid ruining his masterpiece, Brody raised both hands to allow Ace the amount of time needed to get all the chortling released. I chuckled as well, awaiting a witty comeback which Brody would never give.

However, as Ace insisted on laughing, Brody crossed his arms over his chest and furrowed his eyebrows.

Sinister [Jason McCann]Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora