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Jason’s POV --


What a tidal wave this all appeared to be and not having Lea in my arms made the situation all the more surreal. It would be absurd to disregard the fact that I had been gazing blankly at this house for the past five or ten minutes while paramedics raided the front doors and sirens blared in all directions. However, this wouldn’t be the first time I’ve watched a house fall to pieces before my eyes and it won’t be the first time my knees have hit the ground and all the power I once withheld simply vanished from my fingertips.


I had hoped that through meeting Lea, I’d no longer experience the loss of something I deeply care about but I should have known she was too precious and too rare of a jewel to take for granted.


For the first time, in a long time, I could feel more than self-hatred. I felt fear. My body ached and my heart wrenched in my chest, sending pain from my temples to my spine. Standing up, I paced towards the doors and as stupid as it sounds, I told myself if I walked into this house; all this madness would fade beneath my subconscious and I’d find Lea somewhere...awake. And although she’d most likely be upset to see me, her eyes would still hold the obligation of looking into mine and if I held her hands they wouldn’t feel cold and she would squeeze my fingers the way I’d want her too. All my troubles would diminish because I’d know her heart was still beating.


Each step I took broke me down but I kept moving and my hands shook wildly, this time it had nothing to do with lack of medication. It had to do with lack of understanding that the only thing keeping my world spinning might be gone, forever.


“I told you to stay the hell away from her!” Rosie bellows, swinging her arm in my direction.

Sirens were blaring outside of the house. The door was wide open, allowing the paramedics to rush in and get straight to work. I was still in too much shock to process the wild swings Rosie took at me. She pushed and shoved until I reached a point where I was stepping onto the front porch. Still screaming, Rosie takes another swing at me, aiming for my face. Just as quickly as she moves, I grab her forearm before she makes contact with me.

“You were trying to kill her, weren’t you?!” Rosie screams, snatching her arm away from me. Her eyes were the true definition of the color red. “What else did you do to her, huh? Rape her?”

“What?” I finally say in sheer disbelief. “What the fuck are you trying to say?”

“Don’t be so naive, Jason.” Rosie glares at me, turning back to look into the house.

Inside was a clear view of Lea’s body lying on the floor. Unconscious, yet hopefully still very much alive. Her body is lifted slightly and placed gently onto a gurney. At that very moment, Rosie turns her head to face me again, rage filling her bones.

“I will not have you going anywhere near Lea again.” She states, pointing her finger at me angrily.

Sinister [Jason McCann]Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt