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Jason's POV --

Time flies by when you least expect it too. Sadly, it doesn't pass by when you want it too.

For the past few days, my life has been on repeat. Same routine, different day. Sleep, work, count money, smoke, chill, and sleep again. I'd get lucky if I found time to sneak over Lea's house and talk to her for a bit. That was never a hassle for me, I'd always find time to see her. Even if it were my busiest day; I'm sure seeing her face would be worth more than smacking a wad of cash on my desk that I'd be too lazy to count.

The fucked up part about all this is having to date a girl who still has to obey her parents. That's where the tricky shit comes into play. Normally, the girls I'll talk to are all around my age or older and half of the time they either live on their own or just don't give a shit about what their parents have to say. I liked that, I liked the rebellious type and it's quite obvious that Lea didn't fall into that category. She was nothing like the girls I've searched for, she was the exact opposite. Maybe that's what attracts me to her the most. The innocence she holds, the soft look in her eyes whenever she spots something that catches her interest. Her smile and the way she appreciates every little thing handed to her in life.

It's rare to find someone so grateful, especially when they're living the in the most fucked up world.

Today I had absolutely no plans so I figured I'd stay home and hit a few blunts. Ace stopped by and we had been playing a few rounds of Call of Duty until that became rather tiresome. Brody was to stop by soon but the kid never shows up at a time where you expect him too. He's a wild card. Scarlett was off doing whatever the fuck she normally does on a day where she doesn't feel like coming to work. Probably off fucking Carter, I don't fucking know.

Lana? At work. Lea? Most likely in school. Bottom line is; Ace and I were bored as fuck.

"You can still text her though." Ace tells me, after setting down the bottle of Heineken on my table. "Lana doesn't want me texting her while she works, she gets distracted easily."

"Lea doesn't touch her phone when she's in school." I stare at the bottle in my hand before taking a sip and lowering it back down, "No point."

"Then we're both fucked for the day." He shrugs, tossing himself back against the couch with his arms crossing behind his head. "We have nothing to do."

"I think I'll go stop by Lea's place later on." I exclaimed, staring at the TV screen which displayed a battle scene which we held paused. "She should be getting off punishment soon."

Ace chucked from behind me, "Dude, that fucking sucks. How much longer?"

"A week? Maybe a couple more days?" I place the bottle onto the table and grab for my box of cigarettes.

"Hand me one." He says and I do likewise, flicking the cigarette over my shoulder. "But damn I'd hate that shit. Not being able to see my girl any time I wanted."

"It makes me think sometimes." I place the cigarette by the corner of my mouth and trade the box for a lighter. "I know we talked about this shit already but sometimes I forget how young she is. A lot of boundaries come with that shit."

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